Home » today » News » Deconfinement: fifteen Catholic personalities sign the Manifesto of Chartres – Initiatives and commitments – Church

Deconfinement: fifteen Catholic personalities sign the Manifesto of Chartres – Initiatives and commitments – Church


In front of the misfortunes which strike our country and the whole world and those still larger which perhaps threaten us,

Before the pandemic which immobilizes our forces and leaves us in a helpless wait,

Faced with the sadness of a desolate Church which can no longer even take care of its children,

We put all our trust in God and in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We want to make an act of complete surrender of ourselves in the hands of our Heavenly Father, because we know that he is good and that he likes to forgive those who come back to him, he does not take revenge but relieves and console.

We recognize that we have not always walked straight in the ways of justice and faith, that we benefited from the ease of consumption, that we took pleasure in material goods, that we expected everything from technical and entrusted to him our lives, that we were dazed by noises and entertainment, that we pact with cowardice, recognized henceforth inevitable the attacks on the life and the dignity of marriage, closed our eyes to the crushing of the poor, the isolation and distress of the elderly, that we have not been faithful to the appointments that the Church fixed for us, that we have neglected to share our faith with hearts that are all hungry and thirsty for the truth …

If the Lord gives us a break and allows us a happier existence, we don’t want to continue as if nothing had happened,

We want to be faithful to the calls that God addresses to us by his revealed Word, by our pastors, by his saints, by the messages of Mary our Mother,

We want to make prayer a real place in our lives, starting with it and ending with it our days, we want to sanctify the Day of the Lord, to dismiss professional occupations as much as possible from Sunday, to be assiduous at Sunday Mass, even at the cost major disturbances, strive to make Friday a real day of penance, fasting or at least depriving us substantially that day. We will take advantage of the open churches to visit the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament. We want to move towards Holy Communion with more preparation and respect.

We ask God for the grace to open us to the misery of others, not to be afraid to share our bread, our accommodation and also the Good News of salvation that the Lord has placed in our hands.

We repudiate the compromises in which we have been able to live, we accept with a sincere heart the teachings of the Church on chastity before marriage, marital fidelity, birth control, respect for life, the requirement of justice in social relations and with displaced populations, moderation in the use of natural resources….

Knowing our weakness, we want to make a wider and deeper use of the sacrament of reconciliation to go back to battle and never resign ourselves to evil.

We put these simple resolutions under the protection of our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, we want to make her the guardian of the new hope that is born today in the crucible of trial.

Thanks to her, we know that our Church will be beautiful and bright like her and that France, our country, will find something of her vocation as the eldest daughter of this Church. A pandemic of graces is possible…

With her we ask the Father to send his Son very quickly, to open the doors of the New World to us. May his Kingdom come! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

May 17, walkers, like Péguy, will go to Chartres to put the future of France at the feet of Marie, our consolation and the patron saint of our country. Support them by signing this manifesto!

The petitioners :

Father Daniel ANGE founder Light Youth

Mgr Jean-Pierre BATUT, bishop of Blois

Gaultier BES, co-founder review Limit

Eléonore BILLOT DE LOCHNER, President of Alpha Course

Rémi BRAGUE, philosopher

Father Augustin CAYLA, member of the missionary chapter of Notre-Dame de Chrétienté

Mgr Philippe CHRISTORY, bishop of Chartres

Mélanie DEBRABANT, President of the Anuncio France movement

Dom Philippe DUPONT, abbot of Solesmes

Father Alexis GARNIER, chaplain general of Notre-Dame de Christendom

Father Michel GITTON, founder of the Aïn-Karem community

Marie-Hélène MATHIEU, founder of Faith and Light

Mgr Dominique REY, bishop of Toulon-Fréjus

Natalie SARACCO, director

Guillaume TABARD, journalist, community member Aïn Karem

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