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Declining Car Sales and Income in the Norwegian Market: Impact and Analysis

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(Elbil24): The year 2022 was a record year when it came to sales of new cars, not only in number, but naturally also in sales. When the list price for all cars registered last year is added up, the answer shows that the total value of all these new cars in 2022 was a whopping NOK 100.94 billion.

This year’s turnover is like a slap in the stomach to calculate, because when the first three quarters of 2023 are added together, only new passenger cars have been sold for NOK 53.6 billion.

Society is currently apparently in an economic quagmire, which naturally also leaves its mark on the car industry. It is good that they delivered a lot of cars in December, before the VAT surcharge on more expensive electric cars kicked in on 1 January. It created a vacuum in car sales in the first months of the year, and on top of this came all the interest rate hikes.

These have obviously scared many people away from ordering a new car, and we thus end up with such situations as now. Because 2023 will go down in history as one of the weakest car years for a long time.

Source: OFV Show more

But it is not only car sales that are decreasing. So does the proceeds AS Norge receives from car sales, and no, I am not referring to what is missing because few cars are sold. Because never before has the income to the state been less from new car sales than it was in the peak year of 2022.

Because in 2022, NOK 3.54 billion flowed into the public money bin, a figure that as recently as 2015 was NOK 12.79 billion, also according to OFV.

LOWER INCOME: Proceeds from car sales have dropped significantly since 2015 alone. Source OFV Show more

Here it is difficult to blame anything other than the tax exemption on the electric cars, and the tax relief in the form of a weight discount for the plug-in hybrids. But then one should not ignore the added value of this, the reduced CO2 emissions. Because if the authorities were to reduce CO2 emissions correspondingly in other ways, this would, by all accounts, come with a cost that would be as great as the loss of income from the one-off tax. Thus, we can take comfort in the fact that the absence of income has its benefits, and is worth it.

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At the same time, it doesn’t seem as if it’s a great pity for so many of us, because according to tradition, we buy more and more expensive cars. That is probably also the point, if we are to trust the tools of the market economy.

In 2023, it still does not look like this market economy is at its best, which immediately affects car prices. Because while the average price of all newly registered passenger cars has risen every single year for the past ten years, without exception, the average price this year has fallen.

INCREASED CAR PRICES: Ever since 2013, we have chosen to buy more and more expensive cars, but 2023 will be the exception. Source: OFV Show more

In 2022, the average list price for all newly registered passenger cars in Norway was NOK 579,047, while this year it has dropped to NOK 564,974. And that despite the fact that electric cars have received VAT of over NOK 500,000 in addition. The net car price is thus even lower.

With this, it is easy for you to see whether you yourself have a car that is cheaper than an average price, or more expensive, to the extent that it matters.

But if we split the country into the respective counties, we see that Innlandet and Troms and Finnmark are the two counties with the highest list price in the country. Rogaland and Vestland are the two counties where they buy the cars with the lowest average prices, when the list prices are taken into account.

COMPANY CAR OR PRIVATE CAR: The share fluctuates between plus and minus 50 per cent, but is now down to 40.7%. Source: OFV Show more

Now it must be added that the split between privately sold cars and sold company cars is also changing. Just 4 to 5 years ago, most company cars were sold. We have to go back to 2018 to find the peak year for model cars, when 53.9 percent of all passenger cars sold were registered to a company. In 2022, this figure was down to 40.7 per cent.

There is no conclusion as to what is right and wrong in this, but the reason is, by all accounts, to be found in the company car taxation of electric cars. Everyone is encouraged by the authorities to buy an electric car, but the same authorities do not expect that corporate customers will also get something in return for choosing an electric car. Nor in the proposal for the state budget for 2024 have measures been taken that could tempt those who are going to have a new company car, and the car industry’s statements that company cars stand in the way of reaching the goal of 100 per cent sales of electric cars in 2025 still stand.

It then remains to be seen whether this budget proposal will be passed or not.

2023-10-07 18:37:24
#expensive #average #car

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