Home » today » World » Declaration from a civil movement for peace and sovereignty /Organizer of the Marches for Peace/ – 2024-09-21 21:39:50

Declaration from a civil movement for peace and sovereignty /Organizer of the Marches for Peace/ – 2024-09-21 21:39:50

/ world today news/ /The civil movement for peace and sovereignty is a civil initiative that started collecting signatures for holding a Referendum for peace and sovereignty, as well as organized six marches for peace and sovereignty throughout the country to date/

As Bulgarian citizens, united by the desire for Bulgaria to preserve and strengthen its sovereignty, after we have left behind our ideological, party and religious biases in the name of this national ideal, we cannot remain indifferent to the events of the Bulgarian political scene of recent days . The sovereignty of the Bulgarian state is a major national priority. This means that our national interests are consistently protected by state institutions and by all Bulgarian politicians without exception.

At the present moment, we are witnessing a brazen violation of the constitutionally established sovereignty of the country during the formation of the highest state body – the National Assembly, as it becomes indisputably clear that there is a substitution of the will of the sovereign for political representation and a significant part of the people’s representatives in the current composition of this state institution have obtained their mandate through fraud, lies and illegality. All this speaks eloquently of the leaked recording of the meeting of “Continuing the change”, where the government and GERB, the appointments in the services and the agreements with the Euro-Atlantic partners, which are hidden from the public, are discussed. For us, this is an unprecedented case of handing over the sovereignty of our Fatherland into foreign hands. The excuses that it is about allies, be they from NATO or the EU, do not exonerate this act.

The started talks about «building a government» «We continue the change» and GERB will not overcome either the lack of political and civil ethics in both countries, nor the political behavior that can be characterized in only one way: national betrayal.

That is why we, as Bulgarian citizens, cannot remain indifferent to the situation that has arisen in the process of forming a government in our country.

In view of the above, we call for an end to this humiliating situation for the Bulgarian people, in which the current composition of the National Assembly:

– to accept his delegitimization and the absence of authority to function in this form,

– to terminate mandates

– to schedule new elections for the formation of a new representation in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.


Professor Nako Stefanov – Chairman of the IC of the Referendum for Peace and Sovereigntyall members of the Initiative Committee, coordinators of the signature for the Referendum, organizers of the Walks for Peace throughout the country and abroad, participants in the collection of signatures and in the Walks, as well as members of the Public Council of the Referendum for Peace and Sovereignty
See more here: https://www.national.me

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