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Declaration against pig slaughterhouse about live cooking of pigs

The animal rights organization wants the slaughterhouse to be accountable in court because it involves structural animal cruelty. This is evident from the declaration held by RTL Nieuws.

Pigs cooked alive

Between the fall of 2018 and mid-2019, the slaughterhouse went wrong four times and drowned pigs while they were still alive. Inspectors of the NVWA saw it happen before their own eyes, according to the inspection reports. RTL News reported about this earlier this year. The animals had not been killed properly before entering the hot bath. And it was not checked whether the animals were unconscious, as a result of which the animals were ‘cooked’ alive.

The NVWA has imposed a fine of 1,500 euros on the slaughterhouse for this. But that is completely insufficient, says Frederieke Schouten, director of Varkens in Nood. “These fines in no way do justice to the seriousness of the crimes. In addition, they have no deterrent whatsoever, as is clear from the repetition of the offenses.”

It is unclear which slaughterhouse is involved, because the name of the company has been blackened by the NVWA in the released inspection reports. Varkens in Nood believes that the police can request this information from the supervisor.

The lawyer, who submits the declaration on behalf of ViN, is not afraid that the declaration will be rejected because a company may not be punished twice for the same offense. The fines were imposed for non-compliance with the slaughter rules and animal cruelty involves non-compliance with the Animals Act.

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