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Decisive days are ahead in the SVO zone. Five days until the denouement

/Pogled.info/ NATO no longer hides its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. Representatives of the Western coalition openly state that they aim to inflict maximum damage on Russia. And they are ready for anything, just for the Ukrainian counter-offensive to take place. For Biden and his team, winning the war with Russia in Ukraine is a matter of their future. Therefore, they will fight to the last Ukrainian.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the completion of the training and arming of more than nine brigades of fighters from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, Ukraine has received 98% of the promised military aid from the allies. These are more than 1.5 thousand armored vehicles, 230 tanks and huge amounts of ammunition.

The countries of the alliance have already delivered more than 98% of the combat vehicles promised to Ukraine. These are about 1,550 armored vehicles, 230 tanks, modern air defense systems and modern artillery. A huge amount of ammo. We have provided training and arming to more than nine armored brigades, – said the alliance representative.

Moscow also commented on this statement. According to Russian Foreign Ministry official Maria Zakharova, NATO openly states, “that he will do everything possible to ensure that the announced counteroffensive by Ukrainian forces in the near future is successful.”

That is, imagine, do not even hide! What exactly is behind all this military planning? Not just a tactical guide, as we’ve said many times. And now, strategically, everyone is building a disposition there. Also, the collective West, through the mouths of all its representatives, openly demands that Russia bear the maximum possible damage. And in this way, he once again loudly confirms his direct involvement in the conflict“, emphasized the diplomat.

At the same time, Telegram is discussing information about personnel changes in the Russian Ministry of Defense. As VGTRK military correspondent Alexander Sladkov noted, the Russian Deputy Minister of Defense Mikhail Mizintsev was removed from his post (by the way, he is now at PMC “Wagner”). According to the military correspondent, there have been other resignations. And inside the power unit there is “untimely escalation of the struggle”.

The host of “First Russian” Yury Pronko discussed this topic with the adviser of the first head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko Alexander Kazakov in the program “Tsargrad. Glavnoe”.

Ukraine – a mercenary country

Yuri Pronko: According to you, in addition to the statement we heard from Jens Stoltenberg that nine brigades were trained, 1,500 armored vehicles, 230 tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a huge amount of ammunition were transferred. Everything, they are ready to rush to the Russian army. And the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova says: well, now you see the whole arrangement. Nobody is hiding anything. Both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, his regime is simply a force in use. How far are Stoltenberg and his supporters in Ukraine and outside the alliance ready to go?

Alexander Kazakov: Good question. Considering how far they’ve come. I would disagree with Maria Zakharova’s assessment. Although I understand what he said, what he meant.

I believe that our current war with the united West is perhaps the fairest war in 150 years. Because in this war the Anglo-Saxons are not pretending to be our allies and are not preparing to stab us in the back. They are at your fingertips. This is already good. At least we’ll be fooling ourselves less.

They openly talk about arming Ukraine in fact 100%. Former Ukraine has become a mercenary of the united West. They hired this country and its army. They pay salaries, including to officials, and they also pay pensions. That is, they fully covered the costs. It’s a mercenary state. And that’s how you should treat her.

The most important, fateful question: is NATO ready to go to war with us? And are we ready to fight NATO? Until today, all responsible people (not politicians, they are irresponsible people, especially in the West, but serious analysts) said: no, NATO is not ready. NATO does not want to go to war with Russia. Both from a material and technical point of view, and from the point of view of morality and psychology. The Europeans are not ready to fight at all.

Will this situation change? It may change depending on the results of the announced offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine. If the offensive fails and there is no way they can present even a tiny victory, then the united West and its NATO military bloc will face a simple question: are they ready to admit defeat? And it will be so. They themselves have been teaching the whole world for a whole year that the West is at war with Russia, that the West is preparing to win. Accordingly, the West is preparing to lose.

The US doesn’t care about Ukraine, they have an election

– Wait, Alexander. And under what scenario do you think each side can claim victory?

– It is much more difficult for us, because we know the goals and tasks of SVO. But in our country they are not grounded. That is, no one – our military-political leadership – tells us where to stop. As I understand it, because it is a decision that is dynamic and takes into account the current situation both on the battlefields and in global politics, the economy, everything.

Unlike us, our adversary – both operational in Kyiv and strategic – has announced and justified its goals and objectives. They have been talking about the borders since 1991. Accordingly, if their mercenary, the Kiev regime, does not solve this problem, then the West could not solve it with the help of mercenaries. Then the question arises: are they ready to solve this problem themselves?

And you think they care? In words, it can be said “within the borders of 1991”, “international law”. But in this case, the deeds are important. Here, the US Congress reported that total aid to Ukraine amounted to $111 billion. True, Ukraine received 77 billion of them. You are absolutely right here: they keep themselves. And as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán once noted, stop funding from the US and the EU – and there is no Ukraine. Literally.

– Yes…

But if you think about it, it is. Some formation that is supported by these alliances, by other forces. And that says a lot. If you read the Western press, including the fake news they spread, then I think it’s lying media. Just as we have individual heroes here, we are not without black sheep in Russia. But look, there have been reports all week that Washington has restrained Ukraine’s armed forces from attacking Moscow on February 24, 2023.

I think you have seen all these posts. That the Americans are threatening them: aha-ha! And they reply: no, we ourselves have mustaches, we will decide everything ourselves. At the same time, everyone understands that this is a cheap game that is sewn with white threads. That’s why I ask, Alexander: do they not care at all where it will end – within the borders of 1991 or within the borders of 2023? I think they are very, very cynical, aren’t they?

Of course they are cynical. But they don’t care. They don’t care, not for military reasons. The United States has shown more than once that it is ready to lose to enemies in flip-flops and slippers and flee from Afghanistan again. They can handle it. The important thing here is – when.

The essence of all this politics of the USA and partly of Western Europe is the elections. They have elections at their fingertips. Do they care? Washington is convinced that it is they who manage the Ukrainian conflict. For them, it is fundamentally important who manages the conflict. Now they’re sure it’s them. Because they control one of the countries – finances, ammunition, equipment. That is, thanks to this they manage the conflict.

If today or tomorrow or this summer they don’t make a strategic decision about this conflict, then they either leave and blame the Europeans – and that’s it, or they stay here, increase their efforts, and this conflict will inevitably spill over into the 2024 elections .

That is, they are trapped. Because if the conflict continues during the US election campaign, then in fact, we manage not only the conflict, but also the US election. We can deliver at any time (two weeks before the election, for example) a catastrophic strike on Ukraine, and it will nullify both the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden himself. Because this is their project – the Biden family’s. Therefore, they cannot afford the luxury of handing over the control panel to us.

They decide this question judging by what they themselves say. They don’t provide enough equipment, they don’t have enough ammunition, they don’t have enough people trained for real war. They don’t give planes, they give a little air defense. They give very little. The Ukrainian fighters themselves are shouting in Kyiv: you give us weapons just so we don’t die. And at the same time they are chasing them on the offensive.

Zelensky scrapes the bottom of the barn with a spoon

Wait, but they can lie and manipulate? Are they lying?

No, they’re not lying. Politicians lie one way, the military another. The military don’t lie, they misinform. But when they talk about it, for example, the arms manufacturers in Europe, in the USA, what do they care? They have a vested interest. They are businessmen, they don’t play politics. But they confirm this data. When Taiwan claims the Americans: why did you give our weapons to Ukraine, and we do not have enough? This to a greater extent and more accurately reflects what is happening from politicians and the media.

They are indeed driven to advance, but it will be a disaster for them. And Ukraine does not have a second army. We have several armies on the roster. And Ukraine has one army. And it’s almost 100% updated, that’s all. Their mobilization is like scraping the bottom of the barn with a spoon.

Decisive days are coming. The Ukrainian military can move not to a real offensive, but to depict it, imitate it. Start fighting in five or six directions, but do not progress further. Because that’s where our fire sacks are. They can just set fire to the contact line, it will burn. For a counteroffensive – according to the textbook – four to five days are needed. Five days everything thunders, and then they declare: that’s it, we counterattacked, we won! Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the Russians will flee. And that’s it.

And then we return to the question: will the united West agree to leave and leave the Kiev regime one-on-one with us? Or will they be evacuated? Or will they come themselves? But they won’t, I don’t believe.

– Thank you, Alexander.

Translation: ES

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