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Deception with in-game currency, BEUC calls for investigation

A comprehensive study by the European consumer association BEUC calls for an investigation into “unfair business practices” in computer games regarding in-game currencies.

A comprehensive study by the European consumer association BEUC calls on the EU Commission to launch an investigation into “unfair business practices” in computer games because In-game currency to initiate.

Developers and publishers of video games are accused of using points, diamonds, tokens, etc. to conceal the actual expenditure and thus deceive children and young people in particular.

The following games were listed by name, among others: Roblox, Diablo IV, EA SPORTS FC 24, Fortnite and Minecraft.

In addition to clear cost transparency, the BEUC also demands an obligation on the part of manufacturers to deactivate in-game purchases at the factory – at least for minors.

BEUC Director Agustín Reyna: “Premium in-game currencies are used to deliberately deceive consumers, which is particularly stressful for children. Companies are well aware of the vulnerability of children and use tricks to entice younger consumers to spend more.”

The group has formulated four key allegations that it would like the European Commission to investigate.

Consumers “cannot see the true cost of digital goods, leading to overspending.” Developers’ claims “that players prefer in-game currencies” are misleading. “Consumers are often denied their rights when using in-game currencies” because “unfair clauses favor developers.” Children are “particularly vulnerable to these manipulative tactics,” and the group points to data showing that children in Europe spend an average of €39 per month on in-game purchases.

A total of 46 member associations have joined together in the BEUC, including the Federal Association of Consumer Organizations and Stiftung Warentest. These two institutions have been pointing out these controversial monetization methods for years.

The USK has already tightened its rules, and EA SPORTS FC 25 was given a rating of 12 years and over due to purchase incentives, pressure to play a lot and in-game purchases.

One opinion It was not long in coming, so the Lobby association Videogames Europe informed that players should follow the best practice of In-game currency would understand. Only a small proportion of customers would actually invest money in game currency. Entire games can be played without spending a single cent. Reference is also made to the transparency and labeling requirements that already apply, it continues.

Now the EU Commission must decide whether to initiate the request for an investigation by the consumer protection umbrella organization BEUC. If you are interested in the entire study, you can find here the document.

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