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December Celestial Events: Meteor Showers, Planet Pairings, and Solstices to Observe from Earth

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com – The month of December will be decorated with various celestial (astronomical) phenomena that can be observed from Earth. This will be a good opportunity for astronomy fans.

One thing that will happen in December is a meteor shower. Not just one, at the end of this year there will be several meteor showers that will occur.

The following is a series of celestial phenomena that will decorate the month of December that can be observed from Earth, as quoted from the page Southern Sky.

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1. Phoenicid Meteor Shower (December 2)

The Phoenicid meteor shower takes place from November 28 – December 9 and reaches its peak on December 2. The meteor shower that appears to emerge from the Phoenix constellation has a varying hourly meteor rate when it reaches its maximum.

However, observers can observe at least 12 meteors per hour during peak meteor shower nights.

2. Maximum Eastern Elongation of Mercury (December 5)

Mercury and the Sun form a maximum angle to the Earth. The maximum eastern elongation achieved by Mercury is 21º. This means that Mercury will be 21º to the west of the Sun.

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Mercury in the constellation Sagittarius can be observed with a brightness of -0.4 magnitude after sunset until 19:24 WIB when Mercury sets.

3. Puppid-Velids Meteor Shower (December 7)

The Puppid-Velids meteor shower takes place from December 1 – 15 and reaches its peak on December 7. The meteor shower that appears to emerge from the Puppis constellation has a rate of 10 meteors per hour when it reaches its maximum.

The Puppid-Velids meteor shower can only be observed after the Puppis constellation, which is the radiant of this meteor shower, rises at 20:27 WIB and can be observed until dawn.

4. Moon and Venus Pair (December 10)

The moon passes Venus and can be observed since both rise in the early hours of the morning. Venus rises first at 02:47 WIB, followed by the Moon at 02:52 WIB. They are 4º apart.

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5. Geminid Meteor Shower (December 13-14)

The Geminid meteor shower will be an interesting attraction in the night sky with 150 meteors per hour when it reaches its maximum.

The meteor shower, which appears to come from the twin constellation Gemini, will take place from November 19 – December 24 with maximum intensity occurring on December 14.

6. Moon and Saturn Pair

The Moon and Saturn appear paired in the sky and can be observed after sunset. The two objects are ~6.4º apart and can be observed until just before midnight when Saturn sets at 22:25 WIB followed by the Moon at 23:04 WIB.

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7. Solstice Phenomenon (December 22)

Winter solstice for people in the Northern Hemisphere and summer solstice for people in the Southern Hemisphere. In addition, for people in the southern hemisphere, this is the longest day and for those in the north, it is the longest night.

8. Moon and Jupiter Pair (December 22)

The moon passes Jupiter and is 2.5º apart in the constellation Aries and can be observed after sunset until after midnight. Jupiter sets first at 01:57 WIB, followed by the Moon at 02:02 WIB.

9. Ursid Meteor Shower (December 21-22)

The Ursid meteor shower will be the last attraction of 2021. The Ursid meteor shower, which will take place from December 13 – 24, will appear to come from the Ursa Minor constellation. This means that only observers in the Northern Hemisphere or above the equator can enjoy the trajectory of the Ursid meteor.

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10. Mercury Inferior Conjunction (December 23)

Mercury will pass so close to the Sun in the sky that the planet will disappear and will not be visible to observers on Earth.

At the time of inferior conjunction, Mercury is between the Sun and Earth, and only 2.1° from the Sun.

This is a celestial phenomenon that will occur in December and can be observed from Earth when the sky is clear.

Editor: Dede Imran

2023-12-04 10:15:00
#lots #meteor #showers #sky #phenomena #December #Sukabumi #Update

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