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December 6 – CHRISTMAS – View Info –

/ world today news/ On December 6, we celebrate St. Nicholas of Mirliki the Wonderworker – Nicholas Day.

Saint Nicholas, archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia (Asia Minor), died on December 6, 342, and his holy relics were kept there until 1087. During the time of the Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118), the relics of Saint Nicholas were transferred from the city of Myra to the city of Bari, Italy, where they rest to this day in the majestic basilica erected in his honor.

St. Nicholas Mirlikiyski is one of the most revered saints in Bulgaria and throughout the Christian world. His life gives reason to call St. Nicholas in one prayer: defender of the faith and the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, clothing of the naked, patron of those who sail on the sea, pacifier of the warring, liberator of the captives and innocently condemned, leader of fasts and monks, guardian of chastity. Bankers also consider him their heavenly patron.

The feast of St. Nicholas falls on the time of the Christmas fast, and on this day many Orthodox Christians receive Holy Communion, and for the festive table they prepare fish dishes, which they bring to the temple for consecration.

Many churches in Bulgaria bear the name of the Mirlikian Miracle Worker. Nicholas Day is a holiday of the city of Burgas, whose residents have chosen him as their heavenly patron.

Approximately 200,000 people in the country bear the name Nikolay, Nikolina and their derivatives.

The most common name is Nikolay with 95,123 people bearing this name in Bulgaria. Second in popularity is Nikola – 39,613 people, and in third place are women named Nikolina. They are 15,305 people. Followed by Nina, Nicole, Nikolinka, Kolyo, Nicoleta, Kolyu.

On Nikulden’s name day, the women bearing the name Nenka, who in Bulgaria are 2054 and the men named Nenko – 1412 people, also celebrate.

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