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December 2023 Astrology Predictions for the Czech Republic

The last month of 2023, from the point of view of the stars, is a little more positive than November. According to astrologer Richard Stříbrný, more harmonious constellations await the Czech Republic in December, but complications and unpleasant situations will nevertheless appear.

The most important star constellation of this month according to the astrologer Richard Stříbrný is the transition of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn. This will happen on Friday, December 22, marking the winter solstice. “The horoscope compiled for this moment and for the coordinates of Prague will color the events in the Czech Republic for the next quarter of a year until the spring equinox,” explained the astrologer.

According to the stars, this winter should be wet and cold, and there will also be plenty of snow this year. “On the other hand, in this horoscope, Mars in Sagittarius is in a square with Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus in Taurus. This means that we can expect sharp weather changes during the winter,” pointed out Stříbrný.

In addition, according to him, due to the influence of these constellations, the unethical behavior of leading state officials may be revealed. “In the course of this winter, the prices of natural gas, oil and oil derivatives can also fluctuate considerably. Diseases of the genital organs, urinary tract and ENT, especially angina, can spread to an increased extent this winter. Mars in Sagittarius can then bring injuries in the thigh area and hips,” the astrologer mentioned.

But unlike the dramatic November 2023, the constellations are quite harmonious. “They give us a decent chance to improve the economic and political situation. However, the messenger of the gods and the planet of merchants, Mercury, will not be in ideal condition in December, which could slow down the flow of information and the exchange of goods. Compared to other years, the shops could be somewhat sluggish in the run-up to Christmas,” he pointed out .

See what awaits you on the first day of December according to the signs:

The most important constellation

1-3 December: Sun trine Neptune of the Republic – these are ideal days for listening to music and creative activity. Venus transits through its position in the horoscope of our republic and thanks to this, our artists could be distinguished, shops in our territory should be moving and restaurants could be bursting at the seams.

4-8 December: Mercury trine Jupiter, Venus conjunct the Sun of the Republic – comfortable days for important negotiations and signing of important contracts. In our territory, business should move exceptionally well, our merchants, artists and athletes could experience great success. The world will get a chance to bury the hatchet and make reasonable agreements.

10-11 December: The Sun transits Mars of the Republic. This should support our athletes and criminals in the fight against opponents.

December 12th: Venus square Neptune – increased risk of being robbed in the pre-Christmas rush, watch out for alcohol and meeting fraudsters.

14-21 December: The constellations that specifically affect events in our republic are quite harmonious, favoring sports activities, adventure travel, and people should be generous and friendly.

26-31 December: Less pleasant constellations indicate an increased risk of dramatic events. Terrorist acts, attempts to stir up war and religious conflicts are also not ruled out, fire and water elements can run rampant in nature in various states. Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and violent storms are possible. From an astrological point of view, December 26 is probably the most complicated day of the whole December. New Year’s Eve will be affected by the square, so people who will be taking stock can be quite sad and full of worries about what the next year will bring.


2023-12-01 04:30:00
#Horoscope #December #Drama #harmony #await #diseases #spread #TN.cz

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