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Deceiving Deities: The Muses’ Quest for Recognition

My story begins like any great story, a long time ago. At that time there were two gods who had nine daughters. These nine daughters were conceived with the thought of eliminating evil and suffering from the world. They entertained the reveling gods with their singing and were called muses. i am one of them Each of the nine beautiful and intelligent muses personified a specific quality.

Clio embodied history, Melpomene was the muse of tragedy. Choral poetry and dance were attributed to Terpsichore, Thaleia appeared as the muse of comedy. In addition, Euterpe, i.e. I, symbolized poetry and flute playing, Erato love poetry, Urania, astronomy and Polyhymnia singing with the lyre. The ninth muse, Calliope, was responsible for epic poetry, rhetoric, philosophy and science.

Everything was going well, we sang and danced and told stories for the gods, but something was missing. We were so busy celebrating other gods that we neglected ourselves, we didn’t know what we liked, what we didn’t like, we didn’t even know what our favorite color was! So I decided to go to Apollon to ask him to release us from this task. He is the god of art, especially music and singing, and therefore he is like our teacher.

I took Calliope with me because I thought she could persuade him with her beautiful way of speaking. But what I didn’t know was that the two didn’t have a good relationship because they used to date and she caught him making out with Urania and, well, that doesn’t really matter. When we got there, Apollon was anything but pleased and the two charged at each other like two predators, I had never heard so many swear words. I was mesmerized, they said things I had never heard before…

I’m sorry, I digress. Where was I? Oh yes, it backfired. When they went for each other’s throats, I slipped away. Since my plan was clearly not going well, a new one had to be found.

I went to Artemis, known for her hatred of men and for being the protector of women. I explained my problem to her, that I don’t just want to dance and sing, but also want to be celebrated myself. She told me that in order to be celebrated, I had to do something for it. Can you believe it? You want recognition and you have to work hard to get it.

I pulled myself together and asked her how I could do it, and to do it in the simplest way. She told me that the easiest way to gain recognition was to be worshiped by people as a deity. To get that, I’d have to get down to earth, grab a bunch of people and make them believe that nine unknown women are gods.

When I explained everything to my sisters, the first thing I was laughed at was me. It’s impossible, we’re not even well known to the gods, blah, blah, blah. I explained to them that I have a plan. It read: Dolos.

He is the personification of deceit and deceit. They looked at me almost scared. They didn’t want to hear the end of my plan. I tried to explain to them that I was sure it would work. Instead of giving me a chance, they sent me away to come back if I had a real plan. If they don’t want to help me, I’ll just do it myself, and with that in mind I made my way to Dolos.

Dolos lived far away from the other gods as he isn’t actually one. He is a daimon, a spirit being. After he invented lying, no one really wanted him around, so he lived in a small shack. Halfway down I heard quick footsteps behind me. When I turned around, I saw Klio running towards me. I laughed at her and asked her how it was that she had changed her mind. She said she still thought it was a stupid idea but wanted to be there so she could continue telling how I failed, then grinned. I was still glad that I had someone by my side.

We arrived and were greeted by an abandoned cabin. No one was to be found and Klio was already beginning to write it down in her little notebook. Suddenly a voice invited us to go inside. Without batting an eyelid, Klio walked in. It took me a minute, but I followed her anyway. Once inside, we realized that it was much larger inside than it looked from the outside. And in that moment I remembered whose house we were entering.

Dolos, the inventor of lies and deceit. It had a fireplace with a lit fire, a freshly set table with candles and everything appeared to be made of wood. A figure sat at one end of the table. A young man, pale, with white hair and as he looked at me I noticed that he had colorless eyes and no pupils and yet did not appear to be blind. He got up and walked over to me, well not really because he was floating off the ground. When he got to us, he shook my hand and, to my amazement, his hand was almost transparent. When I shook his hand, he introduced himself. His mouth moved, but the voice didn’t seem to come out of him, it moved like the wind, you didn’t really know which direction it was coming from, you just knew it was everywhere.

“Welcome to my humble cabin, ladies.”

His voice echoed around the room, surprising Klio so much that she let out a little yell, which he answered with a roar of laughter. The laughter was not joyful, but derogatory, which irritated me briefly and therefore answered harshly. I told him succinctly who we were and that we were there and calling for his help.

“Why should I help you?”

His white eyes looked at me as if they were looking right through me. Clio intervened and explained that we would like to be called gods in order to be celebrated, but in order to be able to do that we need to be seen as such by people. As she explained all of this, I saw a malicious grin appear on his face.

“And you believe that I, a spirit being who is neither human nor god, should help you achieve something I have not been able to achieve for millennia?”

Of course it wasn’t going to be easy. He looked at us as if he seriously expected an answer. I just told him that of course he gets paid for it, even Klio agreed with that. He didn’t look convinced.

“What can you give me that I can’t create myself? Take this house as an example, do you think it’s real? It’s all bogus and a lie.”

He snapped his fingers and the house was suddenly gone without a trace and me and Klio froze. He started laughing maliciously.

“Do you see? I can have everything and you have nothing I want!”

Klio looked at me and in her eyes I saw that she had something on her mind. I didn’t know what made me very nervous. Klio was good at telling stories, but they were all real and she didn’t have to convince the inventor of the lies herself. With her head held high, she saw him straight into his glassy eyes. She just grinned and said. “Yes we have.”

His malicious smile disappeared. He looked at her in disgust. All his elegance seemed gone.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Klio looked at me and gestured for me to support her. I had to think fast. What could we offer him? That’s when it occurred to me. He had said that for millennia he had tried to become a deity, but never succeeded. I knew exactly what we could give him.


He paused. For a second I thought I saw a smile cross his face. He looked at us both with a challenging look.

“And how do you intend to do that?”

He probably hadn’t expected that. I grinned at Klio and indicated that I would take over. «We are muses. We sing of gods and tell stories that reach people. All we have to do is sing about you and tell stories and you will hear your name in everyone’s mouths!” His white eyes literally glowed with excitement. But then he pulled himself together.

“But before I agree, how can I be sure you won’t betray me. One can never be sure of you saints.”

he said a little irritated. I gave him the word of honor of a goddess, which meant that if I didn’t keep my promise, I would pay with my life.

“That sounds really good! Well when do we start? What should I do?”

He looked like a kid who had just been promised a chocolate cake.

“Quite simply, make people believe that we nine muses are deities.” He started laughing out loud.

‘Oh darling! Does not work like that! If it were that easy, I would have done it a long time ago.”

Apparently he found it very amusing, because he was bending over with laughter. I was amazed. Klio, on the other hand, looked like she was deep in thought. When he finally stopped laughing, Klio started talking.

«What if you just created something that would help us. You create something, we solve it, save them and, boom, we are gods.” Silence. Dolos looked at her. He studied her for a very long time, she stared into his eyes, I’m not even sure if either of them blinked. Then, with a sigh, he said:

“As stupid as it sounds, it could work. But as soon as people find out that everything was a lie, the magic no longer works.”

We nodded and he shrugged.

“Well then, ladies, I guess it’s a deal.”

We shook his hand and walked away happily. We had to let our sisters know and convince them to participate. Klio didn’t look very convinced. As we slowly walked home, she was very still. Suddenly she stopped and, with a worried look on her face, confessed to me that she was worried about singing Dolos. After all, he was the personification of deceit and deceit. I calmed her down and told her I had an ace up my sleeve.

We said we would sing about him and tell stories, but we never said what stories. My plan was to let him help us, become gods, sing to him, but we will sing to him so badly that the higher gods will also notice and he will then be imprisoned for his bad deeds.

Klio called me a mean bitch, but my plan worked. We saved mankind, were worshiped by them like gods, and in gratitude the god of gods Himself gave us a gift. Each muse was given a kingdom to protect them and so Mousiki, Epos, Istoria, Tragodia, Agapi, Agios, Choros, Komodia, Planitis came into existence and all lived happily ever after, except Dolos of course. It was locked up and is now rotting somewhere.

2023-09-03 22:48:29
#Chapter #Story #Music #Ears #Selena #Pergola #Hinovel

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