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Jozephine Trehy
Reporter Royal House
Jozephine Trehy
Reporter Royal House
After almost two weeks of acquaintance with the Caribbean part of the kingdom, Princess Amalia has fallen a bit in love with the islands, she told the press afterwards. She praised the warmth of the people, the cordiality. Amalia was very open during the press interview and came across as confident. A world of difference from more than a year ago, when she spoke to the press for the first time, nervous and shy.
At the start of this journey, the princess still looked a bit timid, especially compared to her parents. Máxima who showed her dancing skills several times, Willem-Alexander who chatted with everyone. Then as a 19-year-old debutant you may come across as a bit quiet. Above all, she had to observe, her parents were her mentors on this journey. And it cannot be compared to a one-hour photo session for the press, or walking through a city on King’s Day. Now she was in the spotlight for two weeks.

Dancing Oranges during a visit to Bonaire
Doubts whether she actually enjoyed the trip, Amalia dispelled. “I really enjoyed it, but it was such a busy program. I looked enviously at my parents who walked around here and greeted everyone and immediately knew what was going on. (…) I really had to put that in a But I am so grateful how I was received here and how everyone has closed me into their hearts.”
The main themes of the visit were culture, nature and slavery. On Curaçao, the princess talked to descendants of enslaved people. That made an impression: “It touched me deeply and personally to hear those stories. It also became very tangible and real. I take back many life lessons from this.”
Mr. Monte is one of the descendants who spoke to the royal family. He thought it was a nice experience. Antony Reid, who met the princess at an agricultural project on Sint Eustatius, was also enthusiastic. “She was whole down to earthreally working with us, very nice.”
Alwin Hylkema met Amalia at his sea urchin project on Saba. He showed how the sea urchins can help the endangered coral reef. “The princess was very interested. She asked good questions. Very good, after that two-week journey.”
Amalia liked that she had a little bit of freedom back during the trip with her parents. She is threatened by criminals and has been living at home with her parents since September. The student life she was so looking forward to is not here for the time being. She is under strict security and that does not leave her unmoved: “I’m going to be very honest, that I’m still having a very hard time. I miss the normal life, the life of a student. Walking through the streets, going to a go shop.”
Princess Amalia and Queen Máxima during a walk on Saba:
Willem Alexander was not worried about his daughter’s safety during this trip. “I leave that in the hands of people who know about it and who say we can walk around safely here.” He was full of praise for Princess Amalia: “How she has played with us here, I glow with pride.”