Home » today » Business » Debt spiral, impoverishment, misery – this is what awaits Bulgaria – 2024-08-18 19:47:05

Debt spiral, impoverishment, misery – this is what awaits Bulgaria – 2024-08-18 19:47:05

/ world today news/ 30% of children drop out of school because their parents are poor

“The proposals of the left regarding the country’s budget to help the people were not accepted. There will be no increase in child benefit, no reduction in VAT on children’s goods, and no adoption of our proposed progressive tax, which is much fairer than flat taxation.” This was stated on BTV by the chairman of the BSP, Mihail Mikov. He was adamant that the budget continues the trend of allocating only 30% in the sphere of public spending, unlike other countries in Europe, where the allocation is 50% or more. According to him, the reduced consumption, the lack of income, the withdrawal of debts by the government puts us in a debt spiral. “30% of children drop out of school because their parents are poor Bulgarians – a trend that was formed in the last 5 years, when GERB was in charge, and there was a small change in the course in the direction of a welfare state for the people, and that was during our short reign in this period”, recalled Mikhail Mikov. He explained that currently the whole of Europe is increasing public spending in the field of education in crisis conditions, only Bulgaria is reducing this spending. The leader of the socialists also set an example with health care in our country. “What is happening in the field of health care is a blow to municipal hospitals. Funds are directed to the private ones as well – the increase is from 15 to 30%, when the funds from the budget are reduced”, stressed the leader of the BSP

According to Mikov, the elimination of the opposition from control over the activities of the rulers is obvious. As an example, he pointed to the Fiscal Council, which was elected, he said, to be obedient, and so that there could be no opposition control over its activities. “The goal is not to muddy the waters, because of what is happening with the budget, with the deficit, and Bulgaria is mired in new debts, the economy is faltering, business is shrinking, jobs are decreasing, misery is growing,” Mikov added.

All members who criticize BSP have been part of what they criticize

The leader of the Socialists also touched on internal party topics, stating that there will be a meeting of the National Assembly on Saturday and he will schedule a Congress to be held next year. Milov was categorical that there will be no resignation of the BSP Executive Bureau at the upcoming meeting. “There is a clear decision of the council. And some people in the BSP want to escalate and derail a normal meeting of the Congress. There are members of the council who are going around the media to make new arguments against the party leadership. They have all been involved in what is now criticize,” he added. He added that it is strange that they are the righteous who want to distance themselves right now. Mikov stressed that it is the Congress and the party members who decide on resignations in the party. “People need a serious conversation, not these biased groups that are forming in a race to put labels on the BSP”, he categorically stated.

Not sociological agencies, but people determine the place of BSP in political life

Mihail Mikov also touched on the election results from a month ago, being adamant that it is the people who determine the BSP’s place in political life, not sociological agencies. “Some polling agencies reported our result at 13%, and ten days after the end of the elections, our result suddenly became 8%, which is quite strange. And these survey results were not there for three months, and it was suggested that the BSP would become the third or fourth political force. There are many people who want the BSP to disappear, so that there will be national power around Father Borisov, and the Socialist Party is the only left-wing opposition now,” commented the leader of the left.

The chairman of the BSP also explained why he participated in the Commission on Amendments to the Constitution. “Twice I have participated in changes to the Constitution and my signature was the first, and the proposals were successful and this was reported by Brussels. I will participate in the Commission to present my view, because the proposed changes will not produce results. They aim to report some result to Brussels, and the aim is only to replace the Supreme Court. When you put people to serve political orders, you end up in a situation where names of people from the system are heard in the media,” Mikov explained. He asked where the independence of the institutions was going. “I am convinced that political dependencies in the judicial system should be removed,” Mikov stated his position.

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