Home » today » News » Debbie from B&B Full of Love: ‘I found love in Salerno’ | WOMAN magazine

Debbie from B&B Full of Love: ‘I found love in Salerno’ | WOMAN magazine


„’When I grow up, I will buy a house in Italy.’ I used to say that when I was a little girl, when I had never been there. Yet I had a very warm association with the country and that turned out to be correct. I have lived in several places in the world, but in Salerno I immediately felt at home.

I previously lived there with my boyfriend at the time, but when that relationship broke down I came back to the Netherlands. It was hard for me to settle there again. I had everything, a nice apartment, friends and family, but I missed Italy. One day I decided to give up everything and go back to open a B&B. That always seemed like something to me. Not that I had any hotel industry experience, but I did have a vision and I just went for it. People liked that, but I’m not the type to care about that. Many people do not dare to dream, but chasing dreams makes life so beautiful.

B&B Full of Love

Every day I’m glad I did. It’s really about enjoying yourself, being outside and above all a lot of good food. Southern Italian evenings on the terrace last well past midnight and I myself am cooking more and more. When I am free, I prefer to go to the beach. The Amalfi Coast is beautiful. Although it is certainly not a permanent holiday. The B&B is definitely after my participation in B&B Full of Love always full.

Just after the program there were also people at the door every day for a photo with me and the famous vase with sunflowers, haha! It is now weekly. In the program I looked for love, but in the end I just found it here in Salerno. My boyfriend helps me a lot, we really do it together. Very nice to have my dream and lto sweet life to share now.”

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