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“Debates on Education Laws: Proposed Solutions for Combating Violence in Schools”

Debates on Education Laws. On Tuesday, the discussions for amendments began with the representatives of local authorities, parents and students and with the education unions. The hot spot: solutions to combat violence in schools. Ligia Deca agreed with the permanent operation of video cameras in the classrooms while the teachers’ unions proposed the temporary suspension of 3-5 days of students plus school detention and fines for parents.

By Mădălina Iacob on 11.04.2023, 13:37

Education unions have demanded major changes on the issue of violence in schools. They proposed several measures such as the introduction of temporary expulsion, for 3-5 days, in the case of an aggressor student, the lowering of the behavior grade, community service or the introduction of detention in American-style schools, re-education centers and even fines for parents students who commit acts of violence depending on the seriousness of the acts.

Union representatives also requested permanent video cameras in classrooms, counselors, security and the ban on cell phones on school premises. The proposed school detention requires the student to sit in a room to reflect.

Deca would agree to suspension for 3-5 days and school detention

During the discussions, the Minister of Education rejected the idea of ​​re-education centers as they existed before 1989, but he agrees with the detention room for reflection, an option also considered in other states. “Such a measure, if it is accompanied by counseling measures and certain actions that the student and the family should take, I think it would not be a bad idea,” said Deca.

Ligia Deca also agreed with community service, but rejected the proposal to fine the parents on the grounds that it is legislatively complicated to put into practice. At the same time, he explained that the expulsion of a student is not possible from a constitutional point of view, but that he would agree with the temporary suspension of a student for a period of 3-5 days.

Permanently functional video cameras in the classrooms

The minister also supports measures against aggressive teachers, such as removing them from the school and suspending them during the investigation so that they will no longer meet with the students. Deca is also considering the option of video cameras to operate permanently in classes and during lessons, but drew attention to aspects related to confidentiality.

“We have a regime there, we have to take care of the right to the image, the teacher’s right not to be supervised during classes, but I think that for the public interest, such as combating violence, there could be a measure that prevents, the fact that I know that the antisocial act can be seen and certainly only certain authorized persons should have access to these records, but in my opinion they could represent a solution”, the minister said.

From 17:00 the representatives of the business environment and the NGOs are going to participate in the discussions. The deadline for submitting amendments is next week. On April 26, the final vote would take place in the Chamber of Deputies, then the debate in the Senate.

The number of violent incidents in schools is increasing

Ligia Deca declared on Monday in Timisoara that after the pandemic period the number of violent incidents in schools increased, but he stated that he is working on a prevention plan that includes awareness campaigns. Deca also explained that he discussed with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to see if there is a need for legislative changes in such a way that there is the possibility of a quick check in case there are suspicions related to the possession of a prohibited object in the school. Many of the schools have security provided by the local public authority. Deca added that they are working on a prevention plan together with the Romanian Association of Psychologists.

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