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Debates advance on the cost of mental health

If the negotiations are still ongoing, the CNS and the representatives of psychotherapists seem to have taken a first step towards reimbursement of psychotherapies. Initially, only patients “between 18 and 60 years” would be concerned.


If the negotiations are still ongoing, the CNS and the representatives of psychotherapists seem to have taken a first step towards reimbursement of psychotherapies. Initially, only patients “between 18 and 60 years” would be concerned.

Due to the pandemic and its consequences for the well-being of residents, the Luxembourg government has made mental health a political priority. The coverage of therapies by the national health fund (CNS) is in particular one of the points to be resolved, but it seems that this reimbursement is on the right track. Christian Oberlé, president of the CNS, said on Monday on RTL having heard each other on “two stages” with the federation of associations representing psychotherapists (Fapsylux).


At the end of two weeks of negotiations, the reimbursement of psychotherapies is still far from being recorded. If the national health fund believes it has reached an agreement, representatives of the profession deny and even threaten to boycott the next meeting.

According to him, a support of the sessions would thus be considered initially for the patients “between 18 and 60 years”. The president of the CNS specifies that the measure “is not frozen in time”, this age category could therefore very well be reduced or widened in the future. He also hinted that the two sides had agreed on a “second stage”, without saying more.

This measure represents a step forward in the negotiations between the two parties. Initiated since mid-March following a Grand-Ducal regulation, the debates escalated on April 1 after the publication of a press release from the CNS. The latter welcomed the turn of the discussions and their culmination with the establishment of a two-year “experimental program”. Information immediately denied by Delphine Prüm, president of Fapsylux.

Published in February, a Grand-Ducal regulation should bring the National Health Fund (CNS) and professionals to revive the issue of funding psychotherapy sessions. For Fapsylux, federation of the sector, this support is still far from being recorded.

On the other hand, the CNS and the federation of psychotherapists have always agreed on “the urgency” to find common ground given the health crisis. The pandemic has indeed caused a deterioration of mental health, especially among active people. In the Grand Duchy, depression threatens one in three employees.

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On the same subject

The cost of mental health still subject to debate

At the end of two weeks of negotiations, the reimbursement of psychotherapies is still far from being recorded. If the national health fund believes it has reached an agreement, representatives of the profession deny and even threaten to boycott the next meeting.


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