The ethical space of the hospital organizes this debate on the end of life. – Photo credit: RADIO 6.
Priscilla Vandeville
07:50 – 13 mars 2023
A debate on the end of life and the possibility of authorizing “active assistance in dying” is underway at the national level through the citizens’ convention wanted by Emmanuel Macron.
The 180 participants in this convention were mostly in favor of changing the law for a ” active assistance in dying ».
The hospital’s ethical space organizes a debate to allow the public to discuss the theme of the end of life.
Marie-Christine Fernandes, health manager in a mental health service and secretary of the ethical space of the Calais hospital, explains to us what this space consists of.
This evening’s debate will begin with three interventions. Doctor Cécile Baelen-Techer, head of the palliative care unit and president of the ethical space at Calais hospital.
The public will obviously be able to ask questions and raise issues, but no personal testimony. Doctor Cécile Baelen-Techer, head of the palliative care unit.
Comments collected at the microphone RADIO 6 by Priscilla Vandeville. A report of the debates will be transmitted to the regional ethical space which will report the elements at the national level.
The debate on the end of life takes place this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Museum of Fine Arts in Calais. It is open to all and without registration.