Kochi: The High Court’s intervention in the death of ten-year-old Nida Fatima, who had come to Nagpur to participate in the National Cycle Polo Championship. Judge VG filed a contempt petition filed by the Kerala Cycle Polo Association, alleging that officials of the Cycle Polo Federation of India are responsible for her death. Arun considered.
The court ordered the secretary of the federation and the secretary of Cycle Polo Association of Kerala to appear in person on 12 January in the case of the child’s death during treatment due to food poisoning.
The petition alleges that the team which came to compete under High Court orders was not provided with food, accommodation, transport etc. and was not allowed to participate in the championship and violated the High Court orders dated 15. The team members were not provided with food and accommodation and had to stay in the local dormitory. Nida, who fell ill here, was rushed to hospital but died at 10am on Thursday.
The petition states that as a team selected by the Kerala Cycle Polo Association, the Cycle Polo Federation is responsible for providing free accommodation to those who have come under the order of the High Court to participate in the competition. Rs 50,000 was paid by the association on behalf of the federation.
The team reached Nagpur on 21st with financial assistance from Kerala Sports Council. Although informed that he would not be able to participate, the Union Ministry of Youth and Sports gave permission after asking for an explanation. When the central ministry inquired about the non-provision of room and board, it was answered that the team sponsored by Cycle Polo Association of Kerala was provided room and board.
The position of the Cycle Polo Association of Kerala has been clarified that there is no order to provide food and accommodation and the court has not banned their team from participating.