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Death of DJ Arafat: his godson Ariel Sheney between regret and guilt – celebrity

A year after the death of DJ Arafat, his ex-godson Ariel Sheney seems not to have digested the absence of his master. This Friday, August 21, 2020, the artist expressed a kind of guilt vis-à-vis the king of the coupe-shifted.

Before his death, Dj Arafat was not in the odor of sanctity with his ex-godson Ariel Shney. Contrary to the saying that death does not stop love, it is rather the death of DJ Arafat that could not stop the war between Ariel Sheney and him. A situation that intrigues the interpreter of the title « Amina ».

Read also: Ivory Coast: Ariel Sheney goes to Dj Arafat’s grave and arouses great anger

Ariel Sheney between regret and guilt

Treaty of judas, shouted at by his mentor yesterday, Ariel Sheney broke the silence on Friday. In a post on his Facebook page, he expressed his regret and guilt. “I hope you don’t blame me, Old Man, because it’s time to empty the suitcase after a year, because the hypocrisy of my people has broken my heart”, can we read in the caption of a photo of Arafat and him.

“I put down the microphone …”

I hope you won’t be angry with me Old man, because it’s time to empty the suitcase after a year, because the hypocrisy of mine has broken my heart ???? # KUMBALA???? # YGàVie

Published by Ariel Sheney sure Friday August 21, 2020

A few days after his death, Ariel Sheney was with DJ Arafat’s parents to offer them his sincere condolences. And then, we learn that in tribute to DJ Arafat, Ariel Sheney, ex-member of the Yorogang, has decided to suspend all his musical projects.

“The strength of a man is to get up when he falls, you always taught me that, so now is not the time to let go”, he had written on his Instagram account, at the announcement of the accident of the king of the coupe-offset. ” Fire extinction. I put the microphone down… YAKO over to us  ”, can be read on his instagram account, more than 10 days after the death of his boss.

Read also : DJ Arafat: Safarel Obiang violently tackles his ex godson Ariel Sheney

The war goes on

As a reminder, for the funeral of DJ Arafat, Ariel Sheney, Molare, Debordo and other actors, had been banned from access to his funeral. This year, for the celebration of the year 1 of the death of DJ Arafat, Ariel Sheney was also excluded from the activities.

It is certain that DJ Arafat would have wanted them all to continue by revolutionizing show biz through the cut-off. Better, DJ Arafat would not have wanted the war to continue between the actors of the cut-off.

Invited to DJ Arafat’s concert on Saturday, December 29, 2018, Ariel Sheney had nevertheless asked forgiveness from his ex-mentor for rebelling against him. “He came for you and he has something to say to us Chinese”, Arafat said.

In her speech, Ariel Sheney said to the cheers of the crowd who also chanted her name: “I have come to tell you only one thing. A child will grow up but he can never forget his dad ”he said humbly as he knelt before the crowd. If for Arafat, it is a thing of the past, the yorogang still counts Ariel Sheney among the enemies of DJ Arafat.

Ariel Sheney, who was not at the funeral of his ex-godfather in 2019, the late Dj Arafat, left, Saturday June 27, 2020, to bow to the tomb of the Daishikan. Unfortunately, this meditation was badly perceived by some Internet users. This image rekindles some of the wounds of “China” dating back to when Sheney and the Daishi went their separate ways.

Read also : DJ Arafat: his manager Arnaud Jaguar, cited in a big plot against Ariel Sheney (video)

The bone of contention …

The quarrel between DJ Arafat and his godson Ariel Sheney dates back to December 2017. Touring Europe, Arafat offered a show at the legendary Bataclan hall in Paris. But the Beerus Sama could not fill this small Parisian room. A real fiasco caused by the absence of Ariel Sheney.

According to information, at the time, Ariel Sheney had asked DJ Arafat to first review the terms of his contract with Yôrôgang, before he left for Europe to support him in his concerts. A proposal that the Daishikan interpreted as blackmail from the one he made, with his own hands. It is moreover the incident which caused the rupture between the “father” and the “son”.

“In my entire career, I have never met an artist who has a heart (…) I am the first fan of DJ Arafat since my childhood”, Colonel Lobôfouêt had said when he slammed the door of the Yôrôgang. This proves that he obviously has nothing against his master to whom he expresses his gratitude despite their incomprehension.

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