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Death of a 4-month-old baby: the portrait of the nanny leaves questions

The trial of the maternal assistant suspected of having caused the death of a 4-month-old baby in March 2010, entered the heart of the matter this Tuesday, December 14, with the depositions of numerous witnesses. Some had to put a little balm in the heart on the side of the defense.

Mothers and fathers, who had called on Nathalie Boissière’s services to look after their very young children, wanted to give her their support.

“She took care of our child perfectly well,” one of them testified. “When the tragedy happened, my daughter was 11 years old. Madame Boissière had taken care of it from 4 months to 6 years old. “

He says that when his daughter learned that her nanny had been implicated, she burst into tears, exclaiming: “It’s not possible, aunty could never have done that!” “

Feeling unwell

But each medal has its flip side. And the testimony at the bar of an ex-cousin by marriage of the accused left a feeling of unease in the audience.

The woman assures us that her ex-cousin took very good care of her daughter. “I do not understand that it is questioned”, she assures, by reproaching the justice for not having followed other tracks, in particular that of the parents.

She relays rumors that circulate, according to her, in the Bonneval region. “The father does drugs and I was told that in the evening, they were partying,” she says. Assertions that make Me Virginie Coyac-Gerbet react, the lawyer for the baby’s family: “You haven’t heard the rumor that says Madame Boissière is a child killer?” The only answer is awkward silence.

A common thread in the story

On the other hand, other testimonies from parents seem to paint a less favorable picture of the childminder. Parents who have chosen to withdraw custody of their child from the nanny, with a common thread in their story: several of them point to problems of recurrent ear infections in their children. “If I had reacted earlier, I would have withdrawn my daughter sooner”, assures a mother.

Trial of a childminder, suspected of having caused the death of a baby after shaking it: experts and specialists clash

Other parents evoke a lack of vigilance, according to them, of the nanny. “My son scratched his cheek as he climbed over a fence in the garden. During that time, Madame Boissière was on the phone, ”says one of them.

Parents who would have also noticed bruises, a broken tooth for one of the children, without being able to obtain, they assure, a credible explanation from the nanny. But none goes so far as to speak of acts of mistreatment. Described by some as the ideal nursery assistant, Nathalie Boissière surprised first aid workers on March 11, 2010, in Bonneval.

“In a coma, on the living room table”

“She was impressively calm, while the baby was in a coma, on the living room table”, testifies an emergency doctor.

A nurse could not hold back her tears at the mention of this intervention: “I still think about it very often, eleven years later. It was one of the two interventions that struck me the most. “

She also describes Nathalie Boissière’s attitude: “She seemed detached from all this. The mother was in tears and she was starting to put everything away before we even put our own equipment away. She didn’t show any feelings. “

“Have you heard of emotional dissociation? », Retorts Me Justine Dalloz, one of the defense lawyers.

This Wednesday, December 15, the accused will deliver her version. The verdict is expected to be delivered Thursday evening, December 16.

Death of a 4-month-old baby: a maternal assistant tried before the Assize Court of Eure-et-Loir

Jacques Joannopoulos

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