Can you explain what is meant by the term “sliding syndrome” which plunges families into anguish?
“To begin with, you need to clarify that this is a specific concept of France. It emerged in the 1950s and was theorized in 1956 by Dr Jean Carriere. It is therefore quite recent. The concept then evolved and a definition was considered from geriatric textbooks. He describes the “slip syndrome” as a state of great somatic and psychic destabilization that evolves in a very serious way and leads to death. This syndrome will obviously affect people over 75 years of age, frail and polypathological. Finally, in the definition of the concept, there is a free interval that goes from a few days to a few months, in relation to a triggering factor. And, after a few months, the patient died. »
Is it a conscious or unconscious abandonment of the elderly patient?
“You have to understand the terminology. Word…