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Dear girl, you are not higher than the sky

A report of insolent parking was sent to the editorial mail of Plovdiv24.bg. According to the woman, the act is that of a young girl who clearly does not care that she is disturbing pedestrians, especially since she is near a kindergarten.

We give the floor to the woman from Plovdiv who sent us photos and a description of the incident:

Hello, I would like to send you my outrage, both mine and those living nearby, about the daily recurring situation.

The place, city of Plovdiv, “Ladoga” street, and more precisely “Spring” All Day Kindergarten. And below, from the photos, we will enjoy the unwritten rules for parking and stopping in residential areas – a complete breakdown of all regulations.

Another “Complete Absurdity” and display of the so-called “High Standard” – type I am above everything and everyone, no one can affect me. Even more so when you use the company’s movable property – kindly provided for carrying out the work process by “FORTUNA” – the company Fortuna – KOM OOD.

Personality – a young lady who considers herself highly intelligent – I note from the new type that is all the rage at the moment – empty head and face out of a mold – miss VIP – flaunting morals in society – round zero – pity her, but that’s another topic for individuals who have lost themselves.

Dear girl, you are young – yes, but believe me, the fact that you use the company car – from Fortuna-COM OOD entrusted you as a screen, that you can afford everything and everywhere, I don’t think that gives you the right to rewrite the rules of the road own discretion.

Today on our street, tomorrow it will be somewhere else – you will not always be with this success and solidarity from the people. Then your company car, which your bosses entrusted you with trust, will come out without fault, guilty.

Don’t forget – you are not above everything, above you the sky stands – you are not taller than it.

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