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Dear fuels, the surge in prices brings everyone to their knees: the new prices are creepy

Hard times for all Italian motorists: the price of fuel continues to skyrocket due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and families are starting to no longer be able to pay their bills and bills, putting their very survival at risk.

Hard times those in which we live: the crisis global and the war between Russia and Ukraine they favored aspike in fuel prices which is falling like a merciless ax on the heads of thousands of Italian families, now exhausted.

Fuel prices increase – Giornalemotori.it

The diesel especially suffered a inflation significant, forcing the Italians to put themselves in the perspective of having to roll up their sleeves and arm themselves with patience. Several, in fact, i sacrifices waiting for drivers and motorists, as well as entrepreneurs and workers who cannot do without fuel.

After an initial stalemate of the prices of petrol, diesel and lpgwhich had bode well for the now imminent autumn and winter, we witnessed an impressive one soaring costs. The escalation of violence taking place in Ukraine has inevitably skyrocketed commodities such as gas and coal.

The Government tried to stem the phenomenon with some measures, including incentives to abandon old petrol and diesel vehicles in favor of electric and ultra-low impact cars, but money is needed that families do not have at the moment. Meanwhile, prices take off.

Fuel prices go crazy: here are the data

The Energy Newspaper he analyzed with clarity and attention the trend in fuel prices which in recent times have undergone a dramatic surge. A bloodletting which was not needed in a period of already exorbitant expenses and deadlines, which really risks bringing more than one family to its knees.

The data speak for themselves: the average price of the gasoline itself stands around € 1.708 per literwith the various retail brands ranging between 1,690 and 1,718 euros per liter. The white pumps stop in the middle of this ranking, settling around the price per liter of 1,697 euros. But it is the diesel that really worries.

petrol station – Giornalemotori.it

At the self the diesel it is between 1,878 and 1,915 euros per liter, with an average reference price of 1,896 euros per liter. The pains come from the escalation of diesel prices to the served: exceeded the threshold of 2 euros per liter (2,035) unlike petrol which stops at 1,853 when served. Attention also to the methane car which, due to the Russian gas crisis, is not exempt from retouching e wheelies: fits between 2,722 and 3,338 euros. LPG the lowest with an average price of 0.778 euros.

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