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Dear energy, how will taxation on the higher VAT margin work? Confindustria: “Risk of appeal to the Council”

And of 4 billion the expected revenue from the contribution extraordinary on those that the premier Mario Draghi he defined “the extraordinary profits that manufacturers are doing thanks to the increase in the cost of raw materials “. L’rate of 10% provided by the new anti price increases decree launched on Friday evening by the government, it will actually be applied not to profits but to the greater margin taxable VAT realized between October and March 2022 compared to the semester October 2020-March 2021, provided that there was a gain of at least 10% and more than 5 million euros. The official estimate, therefore, is that producers, importers and distributors of energy, gas and petroleum products have achieved following the increase in prices 40 billion of additional revenues, also taking into account the fact that the comparison is with a period in which the prices of the Brent depressed by the pandemic have fluctuated between 60 and 27 euros against over 100 today. Basing the comparison on the taxable amount of VAT, however, lends itself to criticism, because you do not take into account the quantities sold and gods costs that do not enter into the VAT calculation It is also not clear how the levy will be reconciled with that already provided for only energy producers from renewable.

The amount will be paid by June 30th, according to the drafts of the text not yet published in the Official Journal. To avoid “undue repercussions on consumer prices“, Ie reversal of the tax on consumers, from the end of April to the end of December the subjects who have to pay the contribution are required to communicate‘Antitrust “The average purchase and sale price of energy, natural gas and methane gas and petroleum products”, reads the draft. Furthermore, the holders of gas supply contracts for the Italian market will be required to transmit to the Ministry for the ecological transition and‘Energy Authority (Arera) contracts already signed or to be signed. Draghi after the cdm had in fact complained: “In recent weeks we have tried to understand the situation of the contracts of the major importers”, to “understand how much of these imports it was for long-term contracts, already paid, and how much they were buying on the spot market. E we have not succeeded, this must absolutely change. The situation has changed, it is a national security situation, emergency, therefore these behaviors are no longer tolerable “.

Pending estimates on the impact of the measure on the major energy and utility groups, from Eni e Enel to A2A, Edison and Sorgenia, Confindustria is on a war footing and warns that the calculation “on the basis of presumptive VAT indices exposes itself again and objectively to the risk of constitutional appeals“. As the Robin Tax introduced by Berlusconi government in 2008 and rejected by the Council. Even if in that case theadditional Ires on the extra-profits generated by the sharp increase in the price of oil it had no time limits (in addition to the fact that it was parameterized to all business income and not just to extra profits) while this time the decree specifies that the intervention is one-off .

For viale dell’Astronomia “it would have been anything but a national gas price ceiling realized, instead, on the basis of atransparency operation on import contracts in force and on their real price compared to what is determined every day on the spot market “. But on this the government awaits a joint decision at the European level. On the opposite side, Green Europe attacks by defining “incomprehensible e shy the decision to withdraw only 10% of these disproportionate earnings “and asks to start a parliamentary commission to investigate what he considers” a scandal without proportions “. The measure is too timid even according to the 5 Star Movement, Italian left e Leuthat with Stefano Fassina asks that the levy be “significantly increased, not in a punitive key, not to make the rich cry, but to significantly raise tax credits for all other companies affected by the surge in energy costs and the consequences of the war on the level of productive activity, particularly in tourism “. The Pd for his part he applauds the choices but says that we need to be ready for further measures.

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