Home » today » World » Dear Comrade Zhivkov! – View Info – 2024-08-17 11:36:44

Dear Comrade Zhivkov! – View Info – 2024-08-17 11:36:44

/ world today news/ Dear Comrade Zhivkov! As Lubomir Levchev once said, you cannot forbid me to love you! That’s right! If you’re really watching us from above, somewhere from Heaven, we’re doing well, aren’t we?

So strong is the party you once led that even 30 years after party careerists overthrew you, they are alive! They, your cadres, Comrade Zhivkov!

I know you are pleased: until now the president was a Komsomol secretary, a member of the BKP, and his father was the head of the District Committee of the BKP in Blagoevgrad.

But Boyko, who massaged your ears, fulfills your spells, Comrade Zhivkov! In his government is the granddaughter of your fellow partisan from the “Chavdar” detachment – Georgi Pavlov. Lilito Pavlova, do you remember her – such a fat, buxom woman, now she is a minister again.

And Tsetso is again spinning the power – the one where his father was the driver of the head of State Security, General Shopov!

And two-thirds of the GERB parliamentary group were once your members, Comrade Zhivkov!

And Rumyanka Bachvarova – the daughter of the editor-in-chief of the “Otechestven Front” newspaper – is back in power, now head of the prime minister’s office.

Everything is fine, Comrade Zhivkov, be calm up there, because your pasvantin strictly fulfills your vows. Comrades Simeonov, Siderov and Karakachanov are helping him very diligently! And that’s why the people will love you more and more – we still think here on earth that this is a clever trick with Borisov: he made us love you, to care for you !

Comrade Zhivkov – everything is fine on earth! Borisov will not betray you!

But that’s how they’ll cut you!

#Dear #Comrade #Zhivkov #View #Info

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