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Dealing with Panic Attacks: Symptoms and Simple Tips for Overcoming Panic Disorder

KOMPAS.com – Panic attack or panic attack is a condition in which a person experiences intense fear and anxiety suddenly.

Many people only experience one or two panic attacks in their lives, and the problem goes away when the stressful situation is over.

However, some people experience repeated panic attacks and spend a long time in constant fear. This is a condition called panic disorder.

While panic attacks are not life-threatening, they can significantly affect your quality of life.

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Panic attack symptoms

Panic attacks usually appear suddenly, without warning, and they can strike anyone at any time.

Reported from Mayo Clinicpanic attacks usually include some of the following signs or symptoms:

A feeling of impending doom or danger Fear of losing control or of death Fast, pounding heart rate Sweating Shaking or fear Shortness of breath or tightness in the throat Chills and chills Nausea Stomach cramps Chest pain Headaches Dizziness or fainting Numbness or tingling Feelings of unreality or detachment.

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One of the worst things about panic attacks is the intense fear that you’re going to have another bad day.

So, how do you deal with panic attacks?

Tips for dealing with panic attacks


Illustration of how to deal with panic attacks.

Reported from Healthlinehere are some simple tips for dealing with panic attacks:

1. Use deep breathing

One symptom of a panic attack is hyperventilation, which can increase fear. Deep breathing can reduce panic symptoms.

In a 2017 study, those who practiced deep breathing saw improvements in their levels of attention and emotional well-being.

Blood tests also show lower cortisol levels, indicating lower stress levels.

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2. Close your eyes

Some panic attacks come from triggers that leave you overwhelmed, confused, or even aggravating.

If you’re in a fast-paced environment, with lots of stimulation, this can trigger a panic attack.

To overcome this, close your eyes during your panic attack. This can block additional stimulation and make it easier to focus on your breathing.

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3. Find the focus object

Some people find it helpful to find something to focus all their attention on during a panic attack.

Choose one object clearly and consciously and focus all your energy on it. This can help relieve any panic symptoms you are experiencing.

Describe the object’s pattern, color, shape, and size. For example, you might notice how the hands of a clock move when it ticks, or that the watch is slightly tilted.

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4. Imagine a pleasant place

Research suggests that spending time in nature and visualizing nature can help treat and manage anxiety.

What’s the most relaxing place in the world you can think of? A sunny beach with gently rolling waves? or camping in the mountains?

Picture yourself there and try to focus on as many details as possible.

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5. Recognizing a panic attack

Recognizing that you are having a panic attack can remind yourself that it is only temporary, that it will pass, and that you are okay.

Get rid of the fear that you might be dying or that something bad is going to happen, it’s a symptom of a panic attack.

When you are sober and in control, it will allow you to focus on other techniques to reduce panic symptoms.

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2023-07-08 03:15:00
#Panic #Attacks #Symptoms #Overcome #Kompas.com

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