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Dealing with Hemorrhoids during Pregnancy: Causes, Options, and Relief


Although pregnancy brings joy, in some cases, mothers may experience health challenges such as hemorrhoids. Then usually the question will arise, can you still give birth with hemorrhoids naturally?

However, we also understand that this pregnancy has a thousand ways so that it can still be born normally. Don’t worry, because we have summarized several simple ways that can help mothers cope more comfortably during pregnancy.

Previously, what causes hemorrhoids to appear during pregnancy?

Causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Reporting from healthline, There are several causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Here are some of the causes.

1. The role of the uterus continues to develop

When you are pregnant, your uterus grows over time. This continued growth can cause increased pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis. Think of it as a pressing weight, making the blood vessels more susceptible to swelling, and that’s why hemorrhoids can appear.

2. Impact of the hormone progesterone

The hormone progesterone, which increases during pregnancy, plays an important role in creating conditions that favor blood vessel inflammation.

Progesterone makes blood vessels more relaxed, increasing the chance of swelling. In addition, this hormone can also cause constipation and slow down the intestines, additional factors that contribute to the possibility of hemorrhoids appearing.

3. Influence of previous digestive problems

Some pregnant women may already have a history of hemorrhoids before pregnancy due to digestive problems they have experienced. If you are one of those who have this experience, it is very likely that this condition will continue during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to understand and manage digestive health from an early age.

4. Effect of childbirth

The birthing process also plays a role in the appearance of hemorrhoids. When pushing during labor, additional pressure is exerted on the pelvic area. This can increase the risk of blood vessels swelling and causing hemorrhoids to appear after delivery.

Even though giving birth is a magical moment, mothers need to understand that there can be several health consequences that need to be addressed.

Dealing with hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be a challenge, but remember, you are not alone. Consult a doctor or midwife to get advice and treatment that suits your specific condition.

Can pregnant women have hemorrhoids to give birth vaginally?

When entering the pregnancy stage, many questions arise, including whether mothers who experience hemorrhoids can still give birth normally. The answer is not black and white, because this depends on how severe the hemorrhoid condition you are experiencing.

As pregnancy progresses, hemorrhoids can become one of the health challenges that arise. The degree of hemorrhoids greatly influences the chances of giving birth normally.

If the hemorrhoids are still at a mild level, usually a normal birth can be carried out without major problems. However, if the hemorrhoids have reached a more severe level, the doctor may recommend a birth method via Caesarean section.

Alternative birth options

It is not uncommon for some pregnant women to choose to give birth normally even though they are experiencing hemorrhoids. However, after the birth process, surgery to remove the hemorrhoids may be needed to treat this condition. This decision must be considered carefully, and your readiness plays an important role in it.

The mother’s decision to give birth naturally or via caesarean section after considering hemorrhoids must be supported by physical and mental readiness.

Consult a doctor or midwife to get proper medical advice. The medical team will help you understand the risks and benefits of each option, so you can make the best decision for your health and that of your baby.

In facing this challenge, the support of the medical team and family is very important. Discuss your birth plan with your doctor and raise any concerns or questions you may have. The more open you are, the better support the medical team and family can provide.

How to relieve pain due to hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyful occasion, but it can sometimes be accompanied by health challenges such as hemorrhoids. Don’t worry, because there are several simple things you can do to reduce complaints and increase comfort.

1. Compress with a cold towel

One effective way to relieve hemorrhoids is to compress them using a cold towel.

The method is quite simple, you only need to place a cold towel on the area affected by hemorrhoids 3-5 times for 7 minutes. This cold application helps reduce swelling of the hemorrhoids and provides a sense of relief.

2. Soak in warm water

Another refreshing alternative is to soak in warm water. Make sure the water temperature is comfortable so as not to affect the condition of the pregnancy.

Soaking the buttock area in warm water can help deflate swollen blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and clean the anus area of ​​bacteria.

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3. Avoid sitting for too long

Sitting for long periods of time can increase pressure on the anal area, which can make hemorrhoids worse.

Mothers are advised to avoid sitting for too long. Standing, taking a light walk, or doing simple movements every few hours can help keep blood circulating around the buttocks and anus.

Remember that any changes or feelings of discomfort due to hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be discussed with the doctor or midwife who handles your pregnancy. Hope it is useful!

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2024-01-31 15:20:00
#Natural #Pregnant #Women #Hemorrhoids #Give #Birth #Vaginally

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