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Dealer: The most popular used car brand in Latvia is ‘Volvo’

One year after the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for used cars in Latvia and the Baltics significantly exceeds the supply. Overall, the growth of the used car industry in the first half of 2021 is 27%. This is also evidenced by the number of passenger cars sold by the leading used car dealer Longo Group in the Baltics, as 39% more cars were sold in the first half of the year than in the corresponding period last year and 164% more in June this year than in June 2020.

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“Our sales data show that the company is still looking for safe personal means of transportation. In addition, the tendency to choose from a wider range, that is – Baltic The supply of cars, not limited to Latvia, continues to grow. More than 40% of the cars purchased from us in Latvia are remotely selected from the offer in Estonia or Lithuania, “explains Edgars Cērps, Chairman of the Board of the used car dealer” Longo Group “.

“Longo Group” data analysis shows that currently the most popular used car brand in the Baltics is “Volvo“. The most popular choices in Latvia are” Volvo “,”Volkswagen“, “Opel“, “Damage” a “Peugeot“Interestingly, about a fifth of Latvians currently choose Volvo. In Lithuania, there is a slight difference, because there Volvo, Volkswagen, Opel and Škoda brands follow.”BMW“passenger cars, while Volvo in Estonia follows”Ford“,” Volkswagen “,” BMW “and” Opel “, informs” Longo Group “.

The Longo Group has sold more than 5,500 used cars in the last two years and has sold about 400 cars a month in the last month.

The development of the industry since the beginning of the global crisis has been most favorable for the private used electric car segment, as interest has grown the fastest due to new forms of national support in various European countries and also in the Baltics. Longo Group experts point out that legal used car dealers are starting to offer more and more quality electric cars and they are bought even in one or two days, in fact creating a constant and growing interest.

Drivers are also increasingly opting for legal entities, as they can provide a wider range of cars thanks to reliable and professionally designed supply networks, after-sales guarantees, fully paid pre-sales taxes and service.

JSC “Longo Group” is an international company operating in the used car sales segment, the company’s branches where car sales are currently open in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. The company also has branches in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, which specialize in the purchase of cars for sale in the Baltics. In May 2019, “Longo” opened the largest retail space in the Baltics with a capacity of 450 cars in Riga. The total range of cars offered in the Baltics is about 900 cars.

Aigars Kesenfelds is indicated as the real beneficiary of JSC “Longo Group”. In 2019, the company had a turnover of 976,256 euros and a loss of 62 thousand euros, according to “Lursoft“Available data. Data for 2020 are not yet publicly available.

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