United States of America (
USA) discovers a new virus named
Heartland risk of causing death, virus findings
caused by a swine tick bite in the state of Georgia.
Health experts have discovered the Heartland virus in a single-species pig tick after the disease-carrying germ was found on a white-tailed deer in Georgia.
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The Heartland virus or also known as the Heartland Bandavirus was first discovered in the state of Missouri in 2009. It was discovered that it was only transmitted to humans through tick bites in 2013.
Research published in the journal Emerging Infectious Disease shows that one in every 2,000 ticks carries the virus.
Symptoms detected include fever, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite and loss of large numbers of platelets. Platelets are important for clotting to prevent bleeding.
According to an article by an expert named Dr. Tomislav Mestrovic, Heartland virus can be fatal.
“It should be emphasized that the Heartland virus can cause a deadly and rapidly spreading infection that results in various organ system failures and severe shock even in patients without significant comorbidities,” he explained as quoted by the Daily Star, Saturday (19/3/2022).
It takes two weeks for the first symptoms to appear and most of the effects of a bite will result in hospitalization.
However, there is no vaccine or drug available to prevent or treat the infection virus Heartland, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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