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“Deadly Family Feud Erupts in Mashghara: Hezbollah and Amal Implicated”

At a time when the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was speaking on “Quds Day” about the tranquility and safety that the Shiite environment enjoys thanks to the power that his party enjoys, ignoring the state and its institutions.

So, in conjunction, the town of Mashghara was on a date with fear and the chaos of unbridled weapons and surplus power in a new round of bloody revenge operations between the Sharaf family and the Al-Ammar family, and the result this time was the killing of two brothers from the Al-Amar family, who are responsible for the movement of Amal Ali and Mohsen Al-Ammar, and he was also injured in the ambush. According to the information, in which medium and light weapons were used, another official from the town of Khiam, the freed prisoner Khanjar Shuaib, was seriously injured and was subsequently taken to the hospital for treatment, bringing the death toll between the two parties since September last year to 6, three of whom were mourned by the Amal Movement.

In the details, during the return of the two brothers Al-Ammar, accompanied by Shuaib, from offering condolences, the car they were in was ambushed tightly on the Ain Al-Zarqa Parks Road, by an armed group, which led to their death immediately, while Shuaib was hit with 6 bullets throughout his body.

The backgrounds of the battle in Mashghara are intertwined. On the surface, it is vengeful and family, while its interior is partisan, and it can be placed in the category of settling old and renewed scores between the “Amal Movement” and “Hezbollah” in this town.

Ambulances arrived and transported the two bodies to the West Bekaa Hospital, while the wounded were taken to Beirut for treatment. The army quickly cordoned off the entrances and neighborhoods of the town of Mashghara and opened an investigation into the incident.

The town witnessed a state of terror, anticipation, grief, and armed alert, while security sources reported that Al-Sharaf left the area two days before the ambush took place, which spared the town another bloody massacre between the two parties.

Also read: Exclusive “Janoubia”: The alliance of the “duo” and “the current” against the changeists and the “forces” in the elections of the Beirut Engineers!

Security sources revealed to “Janoubia” that “the possibility of the involvement of elements and a military official in “Hezbollah” in the operation, as the place where the ambush took place is a military area under the control of the party, and it is under strict surveillance due to the presence of training camps and ground countermeasures for it, in addition to the fact that the accused are from The honor belongs to the party.

Security sources revealed to “Janoubia” that “the possible involvement of elements and a military official in “Hezbollah” in the operation, as the place where the ambush took place is a military area under the control of the party.

And the circles of the Al-Ammar family held the “Shiite duo”, via “Janoubia”, responsible for the situation in the region, after they withdrew their hands from dealing with matters wisely and distanced themselves. And he is not wanted and lacks any social status, so he took it upon him that he thought for himself to be a party to the side of honor, so he worked during his visit to Mashghara and his meeting with the two families to inject souls and incite intentionally or unintentionally, then he left the town and did not return, leaving behind him a burning land and hearts Burning and burning under the ashes, until we reached what we are today in terms of wasting blood instead of injecting it.

Private sources indicated to Janoubia that the backgrounds of the battle in Mashghara are intertwined. On the surface, it is revengeful and family, but inwardly it is partisan, and it can be placed in the category of settling old and renewed scores between the “Amal Movement” and “Hezbollah” in this town, which witnessed in the past The fiercest battle between the two arch-allies.

During the return of the two brothers Al-Ammar, accompanied by Shuaib, from offering condolences, the car in which they were traveling was ambushed by an armed group on the road to Ain Al-Zarqa Parks, which led to their immediate death and the wounding of Shuaib.

It is not the first time that the Shiite duo has absented the “state” and turned it into “Abu Melhem.” It prevents the judiciary from taking its course and rejects the principle of holding criminals accountable. Rather, it intends to protect them from fair retribution, and takes for itself the status of the state, policeman, and judge, and the result is more injustice, chaos, bloodshed, and Sharia law. jungle.

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