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Deadly Disease, Watch Out for 8 Early Symptoms of Brain Tumors You Need to Know

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Brain tumor is one of the deadliest diseases.

This disease occurs where there is abnormal cell growth in the brain.

Reporting from the Mayo Clinic, brain tumor some are benign to malignant.

Brain tumors that are noncancerous are known as brain tumor otherwise.

While brain tumor which are cancerous known as brain tumor you win.

The level of violence brain tumor affect the fast or slow growth of the tumor.

As the tumor mass grows bigger and invades a certain location, symptoms of disease begin to appear because the nervous system is also affected.

Here are some early symptoms brain tumor to watch out for:

1. Headache

Headaches are an early symptom brain tumor experienced by about 50 percent of sufferers.

Launching Healthline, brain tumor can press the nerves and blood vessels in the brain.

The impact, sufferers can feel headaches.

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