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Deadly danger? Owner warns against dog bathing in the Baltic Sea

  1. Mannheim24
  2. Welt


Not an isolated case: A dog owner confesses that his beloved four-legged friend was infected after swimming in the Baltic Sea. The RKI also warns of dangerous pathogens.

Rügen – If you are planning a Baltic Sea holiday with your dog, you should consider the following: Not only is the search for dog-friendly accommodation often difficult, which is why some people with their Dog prefers to spend holiday at the campsiteDogs should also be bathed in the sea with caution.

“After a few days she was not feeling well”: Dog becomes infected while swimming in the Baltic Sea

Like a playground for dogs: special beach areas on German coastal regions invite you to romp and play. It’s an idyllic picture of the four-legged friends happily sweeping across the sand and cooling off in the sea. For one dog, however, such a Baltic Sea break had unpleasant consequences. Because she didn’t feel well after swimming, her owner went to see a vet. The dog owner shared his experience in a Facebook group.

She told us bluntly that we should not let the dog into the Baltic Sea if we did not want to lose him.

The Rügen vacationer goes on to say that the doctor has already had to put down several animals. The Baltic Sea and especially some of the beach areas on Rügen are known for the formation of dangerous pathogens. The danger is particularly high when temperatures are high, there is little wind and there are few currents. One user comments: “We prefer to go to Rügen with our dogs, but only in the early and late season. The warmth factor is missing there.” A solution that probably won’t please every owner. After all, many rely on warmth and sunshine during the vacation period.

Dog owners beware: At high temperatures there is a high risk of infection on the Baltic Sea

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) confirms: The risk of pathogens spreading increases with rising temperatures. In addition to a Accumulation of blue-green algae and white phosphorus The Baltic Sea is often affected by Vibrio infestation. In contrast to the North Sea, the salinity in the Baltic Sea is rather moderate, which leads to an increased occurrence of the dangerous Vibrio species Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio cholerae non-O1 leads.

Non-cholera vibrios

This type of vibrio is a rod-shaped bacteria that multiplies in water with a moderate salt concentration of 0.5 to 2.5 percent and a temperature of over 20 degrees. In addition to animals, children and the elderly are often affected.

Unlike cholera vibrios, non-cholera vibrios that are widespread in Germany do not lead to endemic diseases. And yet an infection should not be underestimated in this country either. According to the RKI, it can lead to visible wounds, fever, sepsis and, in more serious cases, to the amputation of limbs. In exceptional cases, an infection can even be fatal.

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Dog bathing fun with consequences: In summer there is a high risk of infection in the Baltic Sea. (Symbolic photo) © imago images

There is no improvement in the situation in sight. On the contrary: “As a result of climate change, they can become more common due to rising water temperatures and thus pose an increasing health risk,” says the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde.

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