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Deadly armored car robbery: testimonies that stand the test of time, 22 years after the events

The trial of Saïd Tayakout continues before the Assises du Rhône. The 50-year-old is suspected of having participated in the robbery of an armored car in Grenoble, during which a security guard was killed. The second day of the hearing was dedicated in part to the witnesses who witnessed the attack. But 22 years after the fact, they have struggled to answer all of the Court’s questions.

I do not remember anymore“,”I have no certainties“,”I do not know anymore“. At the Lyon court, the witnesses called to stand had to dig into their memory to try to reconstruct the often traumatic scene they witnessed on April 27, 2000.

That day, mid-morning, an armored car circulates during the Liberation and was carrying funds for the Banque de France when it was stormed by commandos. The robbers use a Renault 25 to immobilize the van, before using a weapon of war and explosives to access the loot. The explosion claimed the lives of one of the three armored personnel carriers, a 42-year-old father.

I heard shots, explosions. I went down among the cars until he calmed down.

Lucile, witness to the armored car attack

Lucile was at “about ten metersfrom the van when it was attacked. A student at the time, she was riding her bicycle when she came across the attackers’ car.Their car was badly parked in the middle of the road, so I slalom past and found myself in front of people opening their doors at full speed, he told the court. These people were disguised in wigs. I heard shots, explosions. I am put on the ground among the cars until it calms down“.

After the assault, the assailants fled aboard their Renault 25 to rue des Violettes, where they transferred their loot on a relay. A second witness, who was repairing his car on the street at the time, a woe”two hooded men, weapons in hand“Get off the R25. What did the money bags look like? How many people were in the relay that allowed the perpetrators of the robbery to escape?I do not remembercomplains the witness at the bar, apologizing to the president for forgetting certain details.It is normal for memories to fade“reassure me Repeatedthe defendant’s lawyer.

Also two other witnesses current road des Violettes at the material time, were called to testify before the Court. A woman in her 40s and a retired septuagenarian. Both claim to have seen the two attackers attempt to set fire to the Renault 25.They were masked, in coveralls and were unloading bags, well. I don’t know, it was more than twenty years ago, relate the testimony. One of them had a small jar, which he wanted to light with a wick“.Was it a can or a bottle? request the President of the Court.I think it was more like a Molotov cocktail” says the forties.

I note the fragility of the testimonies and the difficulty of trusting what is said.

Me Bernard Ripert, defense attorney

During each deposition, Antoine Molinar-Minthe President of the Court reads again the statements made by the witnesses shortly after the robbery.Do you stand by what you said then? Do you remember everything? requesthim to each. In front of him, the witnesses themselves admit that their memories are confused.At the time, you told the police that you had two attackers and today you remember three people“ asks the president.I only have sensations, but no certainties“Acknowledges Lucile.

I note the fragility of the testimonies and the difficulty of trusting what is saidwarns defense attorney, Me Bernard Repeatedrushing into the breach. It is not possible, in the principle of the oral nature of the debates, to judge Mr Tayakout. The facts are too old, so a legal debate in such a context is not possible.”.

Understanding with witnesses, Antoine Molinar-Min despite everything he tries to stimulate their memory.What color was the car? What kind of wig were they wearing?” attemptedhim, trying to take them back two decades soon.

At that moment, when the robbery of the van had just taken place, none of the rue des Violettes witnesses knew who these hooded people were.I saw the bottle started to catch fire in the car, I thought they were just thugs, so I grabbed it and pulled it out of the car“says the pensioner, the last witness of the scene summoned to the stand on Monday.

Thanks to his presence of mind, the car used in the robbery does not burn. The investigators will find a trace of blood, which will be attributed 18 years later to Saïd Tayakout from the expertise of a laboratory.

After these hesitant testimonies, the debates are moving this Tuesday, the third day of the hearing, towards much more concrete facts. During the day, the Court will return to the DNA analysis that made it possible to relaunch the investigation and bring Saïd Tayakout in the dock of the accused. The verdict will be given on Wednesday evening.

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