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Dead wolf found on A2 near Weert

A dead wolf was found on the A2 near Weert in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. It is a male, reports BIJ12, the bureau that keeps track of wolf cases for the provinces, among other things.

It is not known exactly how the wolf died and where it came from. Further research will have to show that, according to BIJ12.

The animal was transferred today to the University of Utrecht for research. The researchers are trying to map age, stomach contents and condition. DNA research will become clear in March which wolf it is exactly, reports 1Limburg.

Dead wolves are found more often in the Netherlands. At the end of last year, a male wolf was killed in a car on the provincial road N310 near Elspeet in Gelderland. Another wolf that was found near Stroe in Gelderland in October had been shot dead.

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