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Dead dolphin washed up on the Zeeland coast | NOW

A dead dolphin was found at Zierikzee on Saturday morning. Aid organization SOS Dolfijn has reported this. Given the species and location, it is probably one of the animals that were spotted at the Oosterscheldekering on Friday.

Passers-by saw several dolphins swimming in front of the barrier around 4 p.m.

The animal that was found around 11 a.m. on Saturday is an approximately five-foot-long male. The animal was recovered and transported to Utrecht. There, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will investigate the cause of the dolphin’s death.

The investigation must reveal whether the dolphin was stranded alive and then died and what the possible cause of the beaching was. For example, it is investigated whether the animal was possibly ill and whether the animal had recently eaten.

Dolphins usually swim in warmer water than the North Sea

The sighting of the dolphins on Friday was special because this species does not usually live off the Dutch coast. The animals swam at the locks of the Oosterscheldekering

Dolphins usually live in warmer waters, but this year a remarkable number of sightings have been made off the Dutch coast.

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