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Dead after dose Astrazeneca, Piedmont suspends another batch

Increase the number of deaths occurred following the administration of anti-Covid vaccines. And once again it is the serum produced by Astrazeneca to create alarm and concern among citizens.

The last case is represented by a teacher from the province of Biella, who died only a few hours after the vaccine was inoculated. A situation that has prompted the Piedmont Region Crisis Unit to take the precautionary suspension of the whey produced by the Anglo-Swedish giant, as specified by an official note sent directly to the ASL. “The immediate suspension of vaccinations with the aforementioned vaccine is ordered, regardless of the batches in your pharmacies”, declares in fact in the statement Antonio Rinaudo, general coordinator and commissioner for the vaccination plan. Subsequently, the measure was limited to the suspect batch only.

No news, at least for the moment, regarding what turns out to be the sixth victim in a short time in our country. It is certainly known that this is the first case of death to occur within the territorial boundaries of the region Piedmont and within a few hours of the administration of the anti-Covid serum from Astrazeneca, which took place yesterday, Saturday 13 March.

Precautionary suspension

However, only one lot would have been suspended for the time being. This is the decision of the Region, which intends to continue vaccinations with the remaining Astrazeneca batches at its disposal: “Having identified the suspect batch, of which the vaccine administered to the deceased was part, the suspension of vaccinations with AstraZeneca, pending the decisions of the Judicial Authority and the Drug Supervisory Commission, must be considered limited only to the vaccines that are part of of the lotto in question “, we read in the press release sent to the ASL.

By the way, according to reports from The print, precisely in Piedmont in the past few hours an important acceleration had been given to the vaccination plan. A sprint that could now undergo some precautionary slowdown, especially after the convocation of the commission on drug-supervision, which will take care of activating the various procedures envisaged in such cases.“This is an act of extreme prudence pending verification of whether there is a causal link between vaccination and death”, explains Luigi Icardi, regional councilor for health.“To date, no particular criticality has ever been reported in Piedmont after the administration of vaccines”.

The other cases

To date, five public prosecutors are investigating the death of five patients after the administration of the Astrazeneca vaccine, three in Sicily and two in Campania: the victims are three men belonging to the police and two orbiting in the school world (a janitor and a teacher). According to the news circulated so far, the only two autopsies carried out would exclude a cause-and-effect relationship linked to the inoculation of the vaccine. This is the case of the 54-year-old Carabinieri Marshal Giuseppe Maniscalco, who died of a heart attack less than 48 hours after administration and that of the Neapolitan professor Annamaria Mantile, who died after a few days. As for the other three suspected cases, the autopsy examination on the body of the 43-year-old Navy Marshal Stefano Paternò, victim of a heart attack the day after receiving the Astrazeneca vaccine, is expected in the next few hours.

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