After successfully completing their studies, i.e. after defending their thesis and passing the exams, graduates of the seminary for priests receive the Lateran University and Master of Religious Sciences diploma. After that, the ordination of the diaconate takes place. Deaconship is the last and important step before the priesthood. Dovydas Paulikas was ordained as a deacon on June 1, 2022 and assigned to ministry and pastoral practice at Gargžda St. Michael the Archangel Parish.
– How, in what mood did you accept this appointment?
– I knew that this is one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Telšiai, that pastoral activity is active, that the parish priest, Canon Jonas Paulauskas, is hospitable and friendly to the visitors. I was happy that I will gain many practical skills here, so that I will be able to perform many of the deacon’s pastoral services to the parishioners. I wanted to be active. This time as a deacon in Gargždai gave me a lot of pastoral practice. I had the opportunity to deliver sermons not only to believers in the parish church, but also on Maria’s radio. Marriages, baptisms, funerals, all these works were new and good practice experiences for me as a deacon.
Deacon Dovydas Paulikas comes from the village of Aukštupiai, Tauragė county, was born on 11/10/1990, grew up in a Catholic family. After finishing high school, he entered what is now Stulginskis University, he loved nature and studied applied ecology. After graduating, he got a job in a gravel pit and worked there for two years.
-What happened that made you think of seeking the priesthood?
-I started going to church more often, I was missing something. I liked the sermons of a priest in Taurage, so I tried to go to that church on Sundays, I always felt a desire to pursue a different choice. In the summer, I applied to the seminary because I wanted to choose the most meaningful profession in the world – to serve God and people. When I entered the seminary, I felt a blissful peace, an inner joy, I felt that I was in my place.
On March 18, deacon Dovydus Pauliks will be given the Sacrament of Priesthood. When asked why and how he is waiting for that date, he said:
– I feel excitement while waiting for the ordination of the priesthood, I think this is normal. When I understand what kind of service I will have to perform, I also understand the importance, nobility and beauty of this service. I think I am unworthy of such ministry, but I feel God’s call to it. Trusting in God’s guidance and providence, I would like to be happy in my vocation, not to disappoint the expectations of the Lord and the believers.
The parishioners enjoy the deacon’s sermons, communication, and services. He looks modest, simple, not proud. May God’s help and the prayers of the faithful help him to be a priest according to the heart of Jesus and people’s expectations.

Kazimiera SIPIENĖ
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