Home » today » News » De Wever rules out a possible coalition with Vlaams Belang in 2024: “It’s a shame they get so many votes, because it’s useless” | Inland

De Wever rules out a possible coalition with Vlaams Belang in 2024: “It’s a shame they get so many votes, because it’s useless” | Inland

If elections were to take place in Flanders today, Vlaams Belang would be the largest party, followed by the N-VA. But breaking the cordon sanitaire in 2024 is not an option. That’s what N-VA chairman Bart De Wever told tonight in The Cooke & Verhulst Show. De Wever is not a fan of political extremism and, moreover, figures such as Dries Van Langenhove make collaboration with Vlaams Belang completely impossible, it sounds.

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