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De-Russification: Ukrainian Libraries Write off 390,000 Russian Books

Olga Novikova

56 minutes ago

De-Russification is in full swing

According to Ukrainian media, Chernihiv libraries have written off about 390,000 books in Russian as part of de-Russification. These are the data of the Department of Culture and Tourism, Nationalities and Religion of the Chernihiv Regional Administration. All libraries have special commissions that decide which books are to be written off. For example, in the library named after Korolenko, 70 percent of the fund consisted of Russian-language literature.

How can one not love literature in order to massively get rid of world heritage?

The classics of Russian literature are written off – Pushkin, Krylov, Chekhov, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Bunin, Blok, Nekrasov, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Okudzhava, Yesenin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, etc.

This decision of the Ukrainian authorities looks nothing but weakness. The works of writers from the golden fund of Russian literature are included in the mandatory program of many countries, such as the USA and Great Britain. Ask even a typical inhabitant of Australia about Russian writers, and he will, of course, name Pushkin and Dostoevsky, and even remember the plots of the works admiringly for a long time. But Ukraine is trying to erase everything Russian from its life. But the blood cannot be cleaned up, because everything is intertwined, and Russian blood is in the genes of the inhabitants of Nezalezhnaya. There is such a thing as genetic memory. Something that is poorly studied by science, but there is an opinion confirmed by many facts that a person will reach for his roots, relying on some kind of deep cultural code, sealed for generations. But resentment and pain will now be woven into this, causing inexplicable suffering.

Lyman, Lenin sadly looks at the tragedy of the century

De-Russification does not stop at literature. Ahead are new demolitions of monuments, which will be broken and shattered, dumped somewhere outside the cities; crumpled, mangled, emotionally torn street signs, which also renamed other facts of the struggle against the Russian world.

#Pushkin #Chernihiv #libraries #written #Russianlanguage #books
2023-05-27 16:50:15

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