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De Jonge concerned about ‘virus wave noise’ from FVD: ‘Direct danger’ | NOW

Outgoing minister Hugo de Jonge (Public Health) quoted in an interview on Saturday AD looking forward to Forum for Democracy because of its positions on corona policy. “That you come across such a virus wappie on Twitter is a thing of the past, but now you can also hear those noises in the House of Representatives and I am really worried about that,” said De Jonge.

It is clear to De Jonge that many more people are susceptible to alternative theories due to corona fatigue. “But apparently there is also a group that falls for a party that downplays the seriousness of the virus, that disputes all measures and also makes suspicious the only real way out of this crisis, vaccination,” said the minister about Forum.

Thierry Baudet’s party has grown from two to eight seats in last week’s elections. The CDA, De Jonge’s party, fell from nineteen to fifteen seats.

According to De Jonge, the vision of FVD undermines public health. “That is a real danger,” he says. The minister emphasizes that he wants to talk to the group that has doubts about the virus. “I do that as much as possible, for example via Insta live sessions, or on the street, although the latter is becoming increasingly difficult due to security measures.”

Minister wants to keep doubters involved

It is important to keep the doubters involved, says De Jonge. “Because that group is potentially so large that you actually have to worry about, for example, the vaccination coverage that you can achieve as a country.”

The Minister of Health emphasizes in it AD that the restrictive measures are not there forever. “By the summer, in July, everyone who wants that should have had a first shot. Then you can say goodbye to the most restrictive measures.”

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