Home » today » News » De Blasio gives details of how the idea of ​​reforming the police force in New York is advancing | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

De Blasio gives details of how the idea of ​​reforming the police force in New York is advancing | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

I go back with, Karol, to the studio.karol: thank you very much,we will be aware of thisreport. the mayor presented hisupdate summaryabout what is happening in theNew York City. we passedwith Ricardo who has us?details.ricardo: greetings, goodafternoons, colleagues and friendsviewers. in your usualpress conferenceduring this morning, themayor was kind enough to give asmain announcement regardingthe proposed changes to thepolice reform.the call for this reformcomplete and deep in themain security bodyof the city includes ainitial set of 36proposals product of thecitizen collaboration. uncoveredthat the review is moving towardsa second part divided intofive main themes likediscriminate and be poverty,recognition of diversityethnic, better transparency andresponsibility, acommunity representation.a diverse, resident andbacked police forceto answer theneeds oftimes. also the mayorshared that within thesefive themes there are othersparcels that have arisen fromthe same query dynamics andconsultation with experts andcommunity sectors of thefive boroughs of the city.for this, the need arisesre-train officers whohave any need in theiroperation and treatment ofpeople, also check thecountertop system andpromotions among officers, toreinforce one’s own image,access to human services andhealth for affected familiesby the justice systemcriminal, in addition to aearly intervention, betweenother issues. on thepress conference wasalso the commissioner of thecop who precisely gavewelcome these reforms

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