Home » today » Entertainment » Dayanara Torres celebrates something good that the COVID-19 pandemic brought her

Dayanara Torres celebrates something good that the COVID-19 pandemic brought her

As in all homes, the pandemic of COVID-19 has brought changes to the life of the former MissUniverse Dayanara Torres.

In her case, the concern about the impact of this situation that affects the entire world does not erase how grateful she is because in the midst of what is happening she can return to share every day with her children, including Cristian Muñiz, who had moved out of the house to start his university studies.

Like so many students, the young man also had to return home due to the closure of the universities.

“I know that these times have been difficult for everyone (some much more than others and we are infinitely grateful).

Whatever the teaching of this chapter may be in the lives of everyone around the World, perhaps we will never understand it …

But I am SO GRATEFUL to have him in this indefinite time with me, with his little brother who missed him so much and that his life changed overnight because he no longer had his best friend, his partner, who has been his company since opened his eyes to life! He no longer had his older brother with him, “Torres wrote.

Cristian and Ryan Muñiz Torres are the children that the model had with singer Marc Anthony. The former MissUniverse published the message along with a video in which she appears with Cristian in his car, sharing and looking for music to listen to together.

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Sitting here in his car in 2018 listening to music and laughing … we have the best Mother and Son relationship I know. Maybe it’s that we are so similar in our way of being, calm, we like the same things, we love the same movies, the same sense of humor, we draw to disconnect …. Seeing him move to NY for his new life at College inflated my heart with pride, even though I got a straw in my eye … ?? . I know that these times have been difficult for everyone (some much more than others and we are infinitely grateful). Whatever the teaching of this chapter may be in the lives of everyone around the world, we will perhaps never understand it …. But I am so GRATEFUL to have him in this indefinite time with me, with his little brother who missed him so much and that his life changed overnight because he no longer had his best friend, his partner, who has I’ve been his company since he opened his eyes to life! He no longer had his older brother with him. . LET’S BE GRATEFUL ???? We have health, learning from this new normal, dedicating time for us, to breathe, to meditate, to learn to do new things, to organize the revolution that we all have in some corner and we want to forget, connect with the family more than ever (I speak with my mom (who is with Jinny in Miami EVERY day while we both cook) and I appreciate more than ever for the technology for making us feel more united! With my weekly meeting zoom with my friends ?? . And I don’t know if I will be selfish at the moment but I am grateful that all this brought Cristian back to my side, to laugh, cook, scrub, sow, squeeze with hugs so strong that I don’t want to let go .. … even if only for a little while until everything returns to normal … No one knows until when … But until then … I take advantage! ????????????????????? . I am grateful and happier than ever for having my two children here with me, as before … WE ARE A FEARLESS TEAM. ????. Now I leave you with two straws that fell into my eyes … Have a wonderful Saturday! #MomOfBoys #MyBoys #Boys #LosNenes #MiNenesMiTodo #MiFamilia #Family #Pamilya

A post shared by Dayanara Torres (@dayanarapr) on May 16, 2020 at 10:56 am PDT

The beauty stressed how close she is to her eldest son, whose presence will be enjoyed as long as the current situation forces us to stay at home.

“And I don’t know if I will be selfish at the moment but I appreciate that all this brought Cristian back to my side, to laugh, cook, scrub, sow, squeeze with hugs so strong that I don’t want to let go …. even if it’s just for a while more until everything returns to normal …. No one knows until when … But until then … I take advantage “, pointed out who keeps in touch with his mother and sister daily, through video calls, to share while both cook.

Dayanara’s exhortation is to keep family ties even stronger and to seek self-care during the days that one must remain in isolation.

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