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Dax Santiago Domecq, happiness is on the sand

Dax lived with the Santiago Domecq one of those afternoons that make the history of a bullring with two bulls of vuelta and one of indulgence. On this day when his friends paid tribute to the revistero from Dax Bernard Dussarat recently deceased, his olés shouted from the celestial barrera mingled with those of those who had the pleasure and honor of living this great moment of bullfighting. What a lot of bulls with a vibrant caste and what a last bandera bull. Superlatives fail to describe the moment of happiness that we experienced. Clemente with a bull of vuelta and an indulgence lived the most beautiful afternoon of his career. Miguel Angel Perera was very interesting, bullfighting with class and technique in his first bull. Gines Marin was below his bulls and his colleagues.

The bullfighters

The first is a monument of nobility. Miguel Angel Perera does not let the opportunity to exploit the potential of the bicho pass. If the finale is about the public, it is the beginning of the faena that has the best passages. Two ears despite a caida sword. Great faena in the fourth, unfortunately the bull lacks rhythm and transmission for Perera’s goldsmith work to impact the public. Hello

Gines Marin bullfighting without crossing a caste bull that he totally ruins and kills with a nasty bajonazo. The president refuses the ear and gives the vuelta to the bull. Marin wants to redeem himself in the fifth. But his repetitive bullfighting combined with the soseria of the bull does not transmit much emotion. Silence

The third is a bull of great bravery and class. Clemente coupe an ear after a applied, elegant, sincere faena that highlights the qualities of Santiago Domecq. Ear. The sixth holder is a son of Lebrejo pardoned in Dax, a few years ago. Unfortunately he is disabled and the President takes out the green handkerchief. Exit Delicatea very well-armed sobrero. The bull is exceptional. He embists and charges from one end of the faena to the other like a TGV launched at full speed. The French bullfighter is on a par with this bandera bull. His faena is varied and highlights the qualities of Santiago Domecq. The indulgence becomes obvious to everyone. This time it is an orange handkerchief that the president takes out. Two ears and the symbolic tail and happiness is in the arenas.

the bulls

Two bulls in the vuelta, that’s already good. Santiago Domecq, correctly presented, were excellent. We found in most of them that lively and piquant caste so characteristic of this breeding. When the sixth encore comes out, the results of this bullfight are already largely positive. And yet the best is yet to come. The Santiago Domecq is extraordinary. He overflows with caste, race and alegria. Quite naturally, he was indulged.

Technical sheet

  • Arenas of Dax, second bullfight of the Feria 2024, six bulls of Santiago Domecq including a sobrero (6th bis) for
    • Miguel Angel Perrera : two ears, vuelta (review)
    • Gines Marin : return, silence
    • Clemente : ear (notice), two symbolic ears and tail
  • Twelve pikes, cavalry Bonijol
  • Vuelta for the second and third. The sixth Delicate number 123, born in December 2018, was pardoned.
  • President: Hugo Lavigne
  • 9/10th of an arena
  • sun and clouds

Bullfighting seen through the lens of Philippe Latour

Toro à toro

Fantasy by Miguel Angel Perera

The first one is strong. He comes out abanto. Miguel Angel Perera fixes him then puts him in suerte. The first pike is light and the bull defends itself. The second is a picotazo. Ginès Marin makes a quite by chicuelinas. The bull is noble. Beginning of faena of rodillas by cambiadas and pechos. The bull has more sting than in the two previous tercios. First series of derechazos, the bicho is used. Perera exploits this nobility on the two horns. The right will be the best. The bullfighter continues and changes hands with class highlighting the caste of the bull. He concludes in an encimist way by wrapping the Santiago Domecq around a handkerchief. Perera commits and kills with a complete caida. Two ears

Wanted Gines Marin

The second is more armed than the first. He puts his head in the cape of Gines Marin. The bull takes a first pike by pushing unhorsed the piquero. The following suerte is unworthy. The bull puts the reins again and does not come out of the peto. Clemente’s quite is applauded. The bull is noble but with more sting. The first derechazos are on the pico. On the left the bull transmits, the bullfighter less. A good series on the left, the rest is fuera de cacho and does not go to the end of the passes. However the bull allows. The finale is trompe l’oeil like the finale by bernadinas. Marin kills with a nasty bajonazo which is effective. The president refuses the ear but grants the vuelta to the bull. Gines Marin also makes a vuelta.

Clement Dandelion

The third is lighter but well armed. Clemente puts him in suerte for a thrust by putting the kidneys and overturning the horse. Superb arancade, the bull is brave and pushes again by putting the kidneys. Beginning with doblones knees bent, the bull is encasté, noble and repeats. Good series on the right, the bull is demanding but the bullfighter is anchored. On the left the Santiago Domecq is working. The faena goes to mas. The Frenchman chains two great series on the right that the bull takes with class. Final encimiste, the bull has never given up “his arms”. Luquesinas, the sword is in place but oblique. A notice sounds. Ear and new blue handkerchief.

Weasel Miguel Angel Perera

The fourth is more athletic. It is used with alegria in the cape of Miguel Angel Perera. He works on the horse but is not very stung because he has little strength. With the muleta, the bicho is noble but falters. Perera quotes him from afar and perhaps forces him a little too much. On the left he tries to recover him by helping him at the end of the pass. The faena is very effective and technical. A good series on the right, then another, Perera improves the bicho. The last series conclude a faena where the bullfighter fights with talent and introspection. Too bad the bicho lacks chispa. The whole is interesting but lacks transmission. An opinion rings. Perera has trouble fixing him to kill. He kills with a fulminating sword. Hello

Sosito Ginès Marin

Gines Marin will wait for the fifth at Porta Gayola. The bull is superb and stung to the quick the bullfighter gets involved with the cape. The bull takes a pike by pushing on a horn. Well put in suerte and stung, he works hard during the second encounter. Good quite of Clemente by tafalleras, the bull is interesting. Marin begins the faena with pechos and derechazos of rodillas. The bull puts him in difficulty. The bull is noble but lacks chispa. The faena lacks transmission and not only because of the bullfighter. Apart from the pecho the next series is on the pico. Marin gets jostled then finishes the faena in an encimist manner. As often the bullfighter extends the faena beyond what is necessary and bearable especially since the bull is soso. The sword is caida but effective. Silence

Brave Clement

The last one is well presented. He is abanto. He is lame and is protested. Without putting in suerte, he takes a pike in the hook. The second meeting is limited to a picotazo. Green handkerchief

Delicate Clement

The sobrero is heavily armed. He hangs the cape of Clemente. Badly stung, he cannot use himself in the first encounter. The second pike is a picotazo.but the bull puts both horns in the peto In the second tercio, he pursues the banderilleros to the tablas. Start on the right, the bull embiste like a racing car. Clemente crosses and aguante the charge. On the left the bicho humiliates with class. Back on the right, he continues to charge and repeat with alegria.

Without ever slowing down, Santiago Domecq embizes and embizes again. We are dealing with an exceptional bull and the petition for pardon begins to rise. And Clemente is up to the task of meeting Delicado. Derechazos and naturals of class follow one another punctuated by the olés coming from the hearts of the spectators. The bull is quite rightly pardoned. Two symbolic ears and the tail. The bullfighter invites the mayoral and the son of the ganadero to accompany him in his vuelta. What happiness!!!!

Thierry Reboul

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