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Davide Casaleggio on the M5s: “Only the name has remained and perhaps for a little while longer”

What remains of the Movement conceived by your father? “Today the name has remained, perhaps for a little while longer. And there remains a great awareness of the fact that it can be done, that citizens can choose their representatives, define their own programme, together. It is a political choice not to involve one’s members and today they have to explain why they don’t want to do it, given that it has been proven that it is possible.” He said it Davide Casaleggio president of Casaleggio Associati and author of his latest book “The algorithms of power”, guest on Rai Tre at ReStart by Annalisa Bruchi.

“My dad?” he replied, “he would definitely be saddened by the ending if he saw it. And he would be interested in new technologies, even in the transformation of politics by artificial intelligence.”

Grillo writes to Conte again: “Demolish democratic structures, I will report your threats to the M5S bodies.” The reply: “Enough, now talk to the lawyers”

edited by the Politics editorial team

On the relationship with Beppe Grillo e Giuseppe ConteCasaleggio said: “We talk to Grillo occasionally. I have affection for him but we are dealing with different things.” Conte “I haven’t heard from him for a few years, we have a completely different idea of ​​participation, transparency and involvement. I like to surround myself with people who stimulate my thinking.”

Grillo: “I’m still waiting for answers from Conte”

“I am still waiting for the answers to the questions sent” to “Giuseppe Conte”. The M5s guarantor writes it on Facebook Beppe Grillo reposting the open letter to the leader of the Movement on the constituent assembly.

Conte: “Grillo is a noble father, not an interdictor”

“Beppe Grillo, as he is writing, understands the role of the guarantor as an interdictor. In reality the guarantor should express moral authority, continue to be a point of reference, a noble father. Otherwise it doesn’t work, it becomes anti-democratic”. He said it Giuseppe Conteinterviewed by Enrico Mentana on the stage of the Open Festival.

#Davide #Casaleggio #M5s #remained #longer
– 2024-09-26 22:48:29

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