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Daughter warns her via WhatsApp

A terrible Case of brutal femicide shocks Berlin: Nurhan B. (36) was brutally murdered on Wednesday evening in Zehlendorf. The perpetrator? Her ex-husband (50)! And her daughter had warned her…

What had happened? Nurhan B. had already separated from her violent husband some time ago and obtained a protection order against him. But that did not stop the 50-year-old from stalking his ex-wife. Neighbors report that he ambushed her in front of her house on Hampstead Street – and then attacked her mercilessly. “He was completely beside himself and kept shouting: ‘You deserve this! This is my right,'” says an eyewitness.

Murder in Zehlendorf: Woman ran into her ex’s arms

Tragically, Nurhan’s 15-year-old daughter had warned her mother shortly before the crime. She wrote via WhatsApp that her father was near the apartment. But the warning came too late. On the way home, Nurhan B. ran straight into her murderer.

The attack took place directly in front of the apartment building. An eyewitness to the “B.Z.“: “My wife heard screams and went out to check. She saw the man running back and forth and the seriously injured woman lying on the ground.” Another neighbor is said to have desperately tried to treat the wounds.

The terrible act took place in front of a welfare house in the Zehlendorf district.Morris Pudwell

The mother of four had to be resuscitated on site, was taken to the Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin and underwent emergency surgery immediately. But the doctors could not save her life. She succumbed to her serious injuries.

The ex-husband was arrested at the crime scene that night. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office assumes that it could be an honor killing. The suspect deliberately killed his ex-wife in order to restore his “honor.”

Ex-husband in custody after knife murder in Zehlendorf

“The victim’s ex-husband is the suspect. There were repeated cases of domestic violence against the woman by the man during the relationship. Eventually the woman separated,” explained senior public prosecutor Sebastian Büchner, spokesman for the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s Office, to the “BZ”. On Thursday, an arrest warrant was issued for murder with base motives, and the ex-husband is in custody.

The family, who are originally from Lebanon, has four children together who now have to live without their mother. They are staying with relatives for the time being. Neighbours and eyewitnesses are in shock. At the scene of the crime, pastors had to look after the shaken residents.

Nurhan B’s death is not an isolated case. Benjamin Jendro, spokesman for the police union (GdP), sounds the alarm: “Femicides are a growing problem in our society, and yet it is difficult in the political arena to create framework conditions to better protect women at risk.”

Berlin’s Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU) is calling for stricter protection measures against violence. “If domestic violence escalates, the state must be able to intervene more strongly than is currently possible,” Badenberg told the “Daily Mirror“. Ordered contact and approach bans are too often ineffective. Her suggestion: “That’s why we should be able to use electronic ankle bracelets. If the aggressive ex-partner does not keep the specified distance, the women are warned by a signal.” ■

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