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Daughter and wife of Brabant corona patient also infected

The wife and daughter of the corona patient from Loon op Zand are also infected with the virus. RIVM has announced this. The two women are in quarantine at home.

A few other contacts of the man have also been investigated, but they do not have the corona virus, says the RIVM.

The GGD is now also mapping who the wife and daughter have been in contact with. These people are also monitored and have to take their temperature twice a day and pass it on to the GGD. If they show health problems that are compatible with the corona virus, they will also be placed in isolation.

No check in Italy

The chance that the wife and daughter have infected others has already been reduced in recent days, because the family was monitored by the GGD, says Jaap van Dissel, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Control at RIVM. According to him, the spread of the virus is proceeding as expected: especially within the family, barely outside it.

The GGDs are busy with the extensive contact investigations, according to Van Dissel. More infections in the Netherlands are taken into account because “we see that Italy is not in control of the situation”.

Six cases

Thursday became known that the 56-year-old man from Loon op Zand has been admitted to the Elisabeth TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg this week. He stays in isolation there. He was the first corona patient in the Netherlands.

A total of six cases of corona infection have now been established in the Netherlands. The other three are a woman, a man and their young child. They are in isolation in a house in Diemen.

The mayor of Loon op Zand is in contact with the infected family and says he sympathizes with the patients. She calls in Broadcasting Brabant to continue to respect the privacy of the family.

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