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dates and venues for the first dose in 6 municipalities

Are you between 18 and 29 years old? As of July 27, the population of these ages will be vaccinated with the first dose in six municipalities: Miguel Hidalgo, Benito Juárez, Gustavo A. Madero, Tláhuac, Tlalpan and Iztacalco.

Only in Tlalpan they will apply the vacuna Sinovac, while the rest will be immunized with the Russian Sputnik vaccine.

The capital authorities indicated that only the population that lives in said mayors will be attended, they will not be able to go to others.

Lee: CDMX returns to an orange traffic light; next week start vaccination for people over 18 years of age

The vaccine will be applied according to the initial of the first surname, here we leave you all the details of when it is your turn and in which location.

This is the calendar for Miguel Hidalgo, Benito Juárez, Gustavo A. Madero, Tláhuac and Tlalpan (July 27 to 31).

These are the designated locations for each application of the biological.

In Tlalpan: National Institute of Genomic Medicine and National Preparatory School 5.


Immunization in Iztacalco will be from Wednesday July 28 to Sunday August 1.

This is the designated venue for each applying the biological.

It will be essential to carry an identification that shows the age, as well as the printed vaccination record to receive the vaccine. The file can be downloaded at mivacuna.salud.gob.mx that will have pre-filled: name, CURP and registration folio. You must fill in the remaining personal data.


If you are over 30 years old and you could not go to receive your first dose, you can go to the vaccination unit that suits you best, take an identification and the printed file. Just respect the vaccination calendar that corresponds to the mayor’s office where you will go.

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