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DataScientest: the French startup that is revolutionizing Data Science training

DataScientest is a French startup that is shaking up the field of data science training with a new approach focused on professionalization. A real breath of fresh air, which France badly needed in the era of Big Data …

This is a real phenomenon that marked the end of the 2010s, and will certainly influence the 2020s. In companies in all sectors, the use of Big Data is becoming more democratic.

A trend directly linked to the avalanche of data under which industries are now crumbling. This digital information is generated by emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, social networks, e-commerce or smartphones.

Now, companies are able to collect a lot of data on consumers: geolocation thanks to smartphones, centers of interest via social networks, purchasing habits in online stores, physical activity captured by connected watches …

By analyzing this data, it is possible to uncover valuable insights into consumer expectations. Companies can use this information to identify their audience, understand them, and develop new products to meet their needs and requirements.

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Big Data therefore offers many opportunities to organizations in all fields. This is a real asset, allowing it to gain the upper hand over the competition. However, to analyze and exploit this big data, it is necessary to bring in highly qualified experts. This is where the problem lies.

The definition of Data Science is a multidisciplinary field, encompassing many techniques and processes, aimed precisely at exploiting data to extract value from it. However, the “Data Scientists” (data scientists) mastering the techniques and tools of Big Data analysis are sorely lacking.

Today there is a real shortage of experts, and companies are scrambling for qualified professionals. The openings far exceed the number of active Data Scientists, and organizations are unable to take advantage of the vast volumes of data at their disposal. For many companies, this is a real handicap.

How DataScientest tackles the Data Scientist shortage problem?

© DataScientest

The French start-up DataScientest, created in Paris in 2017, seeks to meet this demand by training data science professionals able to support the needs of companies in terms of Big Data.

At a time when universities and traditional schools are too often disconnected from the business world, this startup is distinguished by an innovative and pragmatic approach with intensive and professional training in phase with industrial reality.

The teachers all come from leading schools such as Polytechnique, Centrale-Supélec or the École des Mines ParisTech. They are true Data Science specialists, who are also responsible for updating the courses over time and creating new ones.

In addition, DataScientest is distinguished by a hybrid format combining remote and face-to-face. This approach makes it possible to offer learners great flexibility, while maintaining their motivation at the highest level.

The organization also adapts to the availability of each, with two distinct modes. The “BootCamp” version allows you to complete the training in just a few weeks, at the rate of 35 hours of study per week.

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Continuing education, for its part, can be reconciled with a personal or professional activity and allows the course to be completed in 6 months by devoting 10 hours per week to it. Whatever approach is chosen, at the end of the course, learners receive a diploma recognized by the State and co-certified by the University of the Sorbonne thanks to an exclusive partnership.

And the results are there: three years after its creation, DataScientest already has 2,000 alumni with a completion rate of 99% and a satisfaction rate of 94%. At the end of these training courses, graduates are immediately ready to work and bring added value to companies.

What training does DataScientest offer?


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In order to cover all areas of Data Science, several courses and specialties are offered. First of all, Data Scientist training teaches you how to use data to solve business problems and open up new opportunities.

Through this training, learners will be able to acquire all the skills necessary for the profession of Data Scientist. They will learn in particular to master computer programming and le Machine Learning to unlock the full value of the data the organization has.

Python language, data visualization techniques, or even le Deep Learning are also among the tools that DataScientest offers to learn to use to process Big Data and share the results of analyzes with the various teams of a company.

A formation de Data Analyst is also offered. Here again, the business of data analysis consists of collecting and analyzing data to respond to business issues, and sharing the results of these analyzes in the form of reports, dashboards and visualizations.

However, the work of Data Analyst is less technical than that of Data Scientist. One of the notable differences is that the analyst does not use machine learning techniques to automate data processing. This training is therefore more accessible than that of data scientist.

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In addition, DataScientest also offers Data Engineer training. This profession is another facet of Data Science. Its role is to design and set up systems for the acquisition, storage and automatic processing of data.

Its mission is to ensure that the data they can be made available to Data Analysts and Data Scientists. The data engineer therefore works as a team with analysts and scientists, whom he must support and support to enable the exploitation of Big Data.

The DataScientest start-up continues to evolve, and new training courses are emerging regularly. Recently, for example, it is possible to follow a Data Management course or Machine Learning engineer. Many other projects are in development.

Through its hybrid and innovative approach, this French startup is revolutionizing the world of Data Science training. By training elite Data Scientists, it could indeed allow French companies to finally exploit the full potential of Big Data …

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