Some really interesting facts. 76% of Spaniards, a vast majority, and specifically, among PP voters, 66% support setting limits on the rental price charged by large homeowners in stressed areas. Therefore, 66% of PP voters support a measure that the PP has already said it will not apply. It is one of the changes included in the Housing Law approved by the Government and which is being processed in Parliament. The PP harshly criticized this point, the communities governed by the PP announced that they will not apply it, and it turns out that 66% of PP voters consider that it is a good measure. It is considered by the Spanish as a whole, 76%, but among PP voters, the support is also forceful: 66%.
More information
More data from the 40db survey that we publish today in the SER and El País: put a cap on the annual rise in rents. This is supported by 74% of Spaniards. Three out of four. Here too, voters for the right-wing parties – parties that have denounced this as unbearable interventionism – voters for the right-wing parties also overwhelmingly support limiting how much a landlord can raise a tenant’s rent each year.
And a fundamental piece of information: the survey asks: “How do you live, renting, at home, owning, with your parents…?” How do you live and how would you like to live?
Here comes the key: more than half of those who rent would not want to rent, they would like to buy a house. 53.8% say they would prefer to buy a home and pay a mortgage. In other words, the majority of those renting in Spain would like to buy a house, 53%, 22 points higher than the tenants who say they would prefer to continue renting.
Most want to own
And when those who don’t own a home are asked if they think they will one day be able to afford one, 51% say they don’t. In other words, half of those who do not own a home. Half assume they won’t be able to have it, they won’t be able to afford to buy a house. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s that he assumes that he won’t be able to afford it.
This piece of information will be good to have on hand for the next times we read or hear: “Oh, it’s that the mentality is changing”, “No, it’s that now we are more Nordic and people want to flow more and that’s why now they rent more”, “No, it’s that young people are no longer looking to be owners.”
Hey no. There’s the survey. Most want to own. He wants to buy a house and pay a mortgage. Another thing is the mixture of low wages and high income to get a mortgage means that many, many, cannot.
There are the data. The rest, fantastic literature.
Aimar Bretos dismantles with data the myth that Spaniards rent more because they want to
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More than half of those with mortgages and 70% of those who live for rent already suffer “financial stress”
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