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Dassault CEO Eric Trappier predicts decarbonization of business aviation ahead of commercial aviation

For the CEO of Dassault Aviation, there is no doubt that ” business aviation will decarbonize before commercial aviation for the simple and good reason that someone who uses a business jet is ready to pay a little more for their fuel which will be a bio fuel or an alternative synthetic fuel “. Clear, crisp and precise. Eric Trappier was in Olympic form last week during the presentation of the aircraft manufacturer’s results nearly 500 days before the Paris Olympics.

To all those – NGOs, political parties… – who want to limit or even ban business aviation, he had prepared a punchline pickling. And at the same time he answered « l’aviation bashing », which has been thriving for at least four years in France. As a good gunslinger uncle, Eric Trappier has therefore dynamited, dispersed, ventilated… by announcing in particular that he anticipated “strong development” of l’aviation business. This will certainly drive environmentalists to despair.

« We can rappeel than aviation in general accounts for 2% of CO2 emissions worldwide, that business aviation in general isTodire all business aviation is 2% of that, so that makes 0.04% of global emissions and that the great Falcon, which is made up of 2,100 Falcons worldwide, corresponds to just under 10% of business aviation so we logically obtain a little less than 0.004% of emissions », asserted the CEO of Dassault Aviation.

A global effort

Despite its very modest contribution to global CO2 emissions, the French aircraft manufacturer is continuing its commitment to completely eliminate carbon emissions by 2050 as required by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Either reach net 0. He made a point of specifying that“One year of Falcon flight equals 24 hours of global video streaming. This also represents 5 hours of global truck traffic or 2.5 days of operation of German thermal power plants”. And to remember that “if we really want to fight against CO2 emissions and work for the climate, it is the global situation that must be considered”.

“I insist on this point, if we want to save the planet, it is a global effort that must take place and not just France, or just Europe”, he hammered.

SAF, very important to reach net 0

Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) are important to achieving net 0. Dassault Aviation is making “already today” fly business jets “potentially 50% alternative fuel oil”. Under development, the Falcon 10X will be able to fly on 100% alternative fuel. This device will be almost decarbonized “provided we find fuel” alternative, recalled Eric Trappier. “It is therefore very necessary to develop these alternative fuels as well as their good distribution”. Today, this is not yet the case. “In reality, we only find 30% blends in France today, mixtures of traditional kerosene and biofuel”he noted.

“We are working for the future to increase these capacities and above all to ensure that there are developments of new alternative fuels and in particular e-fuels which could, if only by their manufacture, be sensors of CO2,” said the boss of Dassault Aviation.

For the French aircraft manufacturer and business aviation, SAFs are really a major challenge for achieving the decarbonization objectives of aviation in general, and business aviation in particular. “We are committed to this and are spending money in these areas in addition to government assistancehe explained. We aircraft manufacturers are taking our share. We are involved in the Corac and Clean Sky programs and we are especially involved in alternative fuels”.