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DAS! on NDR: Expert warns of blood clans in Germany – “Cultural question”

They “sneak into society” – criminals who live in Germany in their thousands. But they are not yet present in the consciousness of many. An expert reveals all on “DAS!” on NDR.

What he tells on “DAS!” on NDR is frightening. And shows a secret society that we have to be afraid of.

“DAS!” on NDR: “For legal reasons”

There are even supposedly connections to Deutsche Bank and FC Bayern Munich. Journalist and author Sandro Mattioli is cautious in his comments, saying they are “for legal reasons”. But the clear words he uses go straight to the core.

This is not about Arab clans, which are causing trouble mainly in Berlin, Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia. Mattioli warns about the Italian mafia – and warns viewers directly. Because many people have a romanticized image of the Italian mafia, he says. For him it is a “cultural question”.

+++ “NDR Talk Show” makes it official: Important personnel decision +++

“DAS!” on NDR: Bad romanticization

Films like “The Godfather” not only show brutality, they also glorify the image of clans. “In Germany, the mafia is romanticized like in no other country,” says expert Helena Raspe, who, after Mattioli, is the second chairwoman of the anti-mafia association “mafianeindanke eV.”

Mattioli himself says: “It is more difficult to make it clear that an organisation that does not constantly kill people in Germany is dangerous. We are all ‘Italophiles’, a lot of people like Italian food. And this positive image of Italy that we have cultivated for decades also extends to the Mafia.”

More news:

“DAS!” on NDR: “We have to be careful”

The expert fears that Italian mafia structures could even infiltrate authorities in the future. There is no danger, as in Italy, that entire local councils would have to be dissolved because of infiltration by criminals – but: “We have to be careful. Because if we always believe that the mafia is only a mafia when blood is shed, then we are on the wrong path.” Drastic words.

We remember: in 2007, six Mafia murders in front of a restaurant in Duisburg as the climax of a family feud. Cocaine smuggling that gave the Mafia a monopoly in Europe. Blackmail of restaurant owners – to this day.

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